A new face of world power is emerging - and it's not who history would have you expect

The most powerful people in the world are no longer who you'd expect, according to Eurasia Group president and founder Ian Bremmer.

Feb 14, 2024 - 08:30
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A new face of world power is emerging - and it's not who history would have you expect

President Joe Biden. China’s Xi Jinping. These are just two of the names you might think of when it comes to the world’s most powerful people. But Eurasia Group President and founder Ian Bremmer doesn’t think either of them currently hold that distinction. Bremmer joined TheStreet to share who he believes is the world’s most powerful person and why he feels they deserve the title.

Full Video Transcript Below:

SARA SILVERSTEIN: Who is the most powerful person in the world right now?

IAN BREMMER: You know, it ain't the U.S. President because the president is so constrained. You'd probably say it's Xi Jinping because he has the second largest economy and he's consolidated so much power and can leverage it, particularly economically and commercially through a state capitalist system to get outcomes that he wants with countries that need that largesse around the world, mostly in the global south. 

But I would say increasingly the most powerful people in the world are the small handful of individuals that are driving AI. It's Sam Altman and it's Satya Nadella. And it's, you know, there's 7 to 10 of them. These people are going to create the AI in a very short period of time that is being trained on our individual data. We will use those tools continuously. We won't shut it off and it will change who we are. It will make us different from homosapiens. It will make us hybrid human beings who act and think differently. I'm a little scared by that. I'm a little concerned by that. It's obviously also very exciting, but it's an enormous amount of power in the hands of a very small number of people, and it's something we need to spend a lot more time on.

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