Almond milk, sherbet and more: 5 dairy substitutes for lactose intolerant people

Almond milk, sherbet and more: 5 dairy substitutes for lactose intolerant people

Dec 30, 2022 - 22:30
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Almond milk, sherbet and more: 5 dairy substitutes for lactose intolerant people

If you are lactose intolerant, it means that your body experiences trouble in breaking down lactose, the natural sugar present in milk. You may be able to tolerate some dairy products, but in case you want to stick to a safe lactose intolerance diet, there is a need to look for substitutes. Lactose intolerant people can get that much-needed calcium by including in their diet, the right food choices. If we don’t do so, one may experience symptoms like bloating, gas, or diarrhoea and the associated stomach ache. Avoidance is the best treatment for lactose-intolerant people. Here are some of the milk substitutes that you could try if you are lactose intolerant:

1. Drink soy or almond milk: Being a rich source of magnesium and vitamin E, almond milk is a healthier option than regular or bovine milk. Another alternative is soy milk as it is also a rich source of calcium.

2. Yoghurt: A bowl of yoghurt with active bacteria culture contains a significantly low level of lactose to cause any kind of side effects. The ‘good’ bacteria present in it have already broken down much of the lactose. However, frozen yoghurt does not contain active cultures and will, therefore, not be fit for the lactose-free diet.

3. Cheese: Fermented cheese has less lactose in comparison to many other dairy products, and if we take it in smaller amounts, our bodies might be tolerant towards it. You should try having cheese because it is power-packed with calcium and protein. Varieties such as Cheddar and Parmesan are especially said to have a lower quantity of lactose.

4. Dairy-Free Butter: Dairy-free butter along with margarine made from coconut oil can easily replace your regular butter, especially when you need it for spreading on toast, baking or as an ingredient in multiple recipes.

5. Sherbet: If you are looking for a replacement for ice cream, you might be able to substitute sherbet in your lactose intolerance diet. It has dairy, but it’s a low-lactose food. One cup consists of 4 to 6 grams of lactose, which is actually the same amount as a cup of yoghurt.

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