Keep Your Powder Dry: ChatGPT inventor Sam Altman doesn’t put trust in his creation

Keep Your Powder Dry: ChatGPT inventor Sam Altman doesn’t put trust in his creation

Jun 9, 2023 - 13:30
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Keep Your Powder Dry: ChatGPT inventor Sam Altman doesn’t put trust in his creation

In a rather bizarre confession that is both surprising and extremely confusing, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, the man who made ChatGPT and has then gone on to become the modern face of AI has stated that he doesn’t trust anything that his LLM chatbot, ChatGPT says.

Users began utilizing ChatGPT for various purposes and enthusiastically shared their experiences on social media platforms. As a result, Sam Altman, the mastermind behind this innovation, gained significant recognition. However, there have been many instances when ChatGPT and other similar AI bots have just made stuff up from thin air.

Also read: ChatGPT sued: Australian Mayor to sue OpenAI in world’s first defamation lawsuit against AI

This, along with ChatGPT’s actual ability to write practically anything, is what made the chatbot as well as its creator, Sam Altman

Unlike most other tech startups, Altman got picked up by the media, for his product. The fact that he also likes to interact with the press, was an added bonus.

Altman doesn’t trust his own chatbot, not even one bit
At a recent event during his visit to India, Altman stated, “I trust answers generated by ChatGPT less than anybody else on Earth.” ChatGPT has faced criticism for its tendency to provide inaccurate responses. It has been known to hallucinate and create fictional scenarios on multiple occasions.

In one instance in April, the chatbot wrongly accused a professor in the US of sexually harassing a student, despite no such incident occurring. More recently, last week, OpenAI’s chatbot falsely claimed that a popular radio host from Georgia, US embezzled money from a non-profit organisation. The AI chatbot went further by fabricating entire passages, making stuff up to support its claims.

Also read: AI Hallucinates, Falsely Implicates: Man sues OpenAI after ChatGPT claimed he embezzled money

Altman further commented that AI is currently constrained by hardware limitations. ChatGPT requires extensive resources for training. Previous reports revealed that OpenAI utilized approximately 10,000 GPUs developed by NVIDIA for training ChatGPT.

The need to regulate AI
Altman expressed his belief that AI will be the most transformative technology, highlighting its immense potential. However, he also emphasized the significance of implementing guardrails on open-source projects due to their rapid and exponential evolution.

This is also the main reason why Altman is visiting India. He is on a tour of countries such as Israel, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE and South Korea where he hopes to convince heads of state to form an international body to govern AI, something along the lines of the United Nations of AI.

Altman acknowledged that it would be a significant challenge for governments, policymakers, and regulators to effectively regulate AI. Nevertheless, Altman stressed the importance of striking a balance, ensuring that innovation is not hindered in the long term by excessive regulation.

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