Real-life weight loss story: How Siddharth Shinde lost 50kgs in 1 year with egg whites, protein shakes and brown rice – Exclusive
Real-life weight loss stories often have a direct connection to people. Having a tough time starting your weight loss regime? Here is an inspiring journey to help you develop a healthy lifestyle.

Everyone’s weight loss journey is different. Every body has a novel reason in the back of starting this new chapter that calls for both physical and mental engagement, along with an inspiring story to notify. Siddharth Shinde has an identical story, a story that many individuals may most likely relate to. He said, “The biggest motivation in the back of my weight loss journey changed into my family and friends in particular my ally turned trainer and mentor, Puneet Rao. He is the principle reason what I'm as of late.”
Here is Siddharth Shinde’s inspiring story of weight loss and how he lost 50 kgs by cutting sugar for 1.5 year:
How An extraordinarily bargain Did You Lose in How Many Days?
I lost over 50 kgs within 360 days and body fat From sixty one.6 % To Less than 10%
What Changed into Your Weight Loss Diet And Routine?
- Early morning after I aroused from sleep at 5 AM: 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one glass of warm water.
- Breakfast (7.30 AM): 5 egg whites with my protein smoothie
- Snacks (eleven AM): 2 pcs of kiwi
- Lunch 1.30 PM: 100 and fifty gms of boiled chicken breast, 100 gsm of brown rice and 100 gms of cucumbers.
- Snacks (four PM): 2 pcs of kiwi, 10 almonds and a protein shake.
- Dinner (7 PM): 100 gms of boiled chicken breast, 100 gsm of brown rice and 100 gms of cucumbers.
Did You Completely Cut Down on Sugar?
Yes, I completely cut sugar for 1.5 years.
Did You Have Cheat Meals?
I never had any cheat meals at some point of my weight loss journey, even while my trainer suggested I every now and then give in to that craving.
What is One Rule That You Abide by For Losing Weight?
Discipline and consistency is the foremost.
What Changed into One Thing That Worked Best For You?
Planning and executing my goals even being a food safety officer in UAE Dubai. Despite having a hectic time table, I still managed to set my goals & be triumphant in them with discipline and a consistent work routine.
One Challenge That You Faced And How Did You Overcome it?
I gave up and quit attending the gym after I first started my weight loss journey. I informed Puneet that I couldn’t. After that, he asked me where I desired to see myself in five years. Is it healthy or now not? That’s what set me off, and I never looked back.
Is There a Weight Loss Myth That You Got to Know About Your entire way through Your Journey?
You desire to to attend and spot at some point of your weight loss journey and bear in mind that there is not any shortcut to shed pounds. made up our minds to bring Real-Life Weight Loss stories for our readers that allows you to inspire you to eventually sign in for that gym membership or start making yoga an active a bit of your way of life. When you could have gotten gotten you could have gotten gotten got a superior weight loss story that inspires people to stay healthy, drop a mail at – [email protected]
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