Scientists may have an explanation for why some batteries don’t last

A long-standing idea of why lithium ion batteries die focuses on lithium movement into the cathode. Instead, hydrogen may be to blame.

Sep 27, 2024 - 22:30
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Scientists may have an explanation for why some batteries don’t last

Hydrogen protons, now not lithium ions, may provide an evidence for self-discharge and battery degradation

cell batteries with hand in purple glove

In tests of lithium-ion batteries (shown), hydrogen protons from the electrolyte settled into spots in the cathode in most cases reserved for lithium ions. That left less space for the ions to conduct charge, slowly degrading the battery.

Jesse Morgan Peterson/Univ. of Colorado Boulder

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries don’t last forever. Over time, they hold onto less charge, in some way transforming from power sources to bricks. One reason: hidden, leaky hydrogen, new research suggests.

Unwanted hydrogen protons fill molecular slots in the positive end of the battery leaving less room for charged lithium atoms, or ions, which maintain reactivity and help conduct charge, scientists report September 12 in Science.

The emblem new research identifies a group of undesirable chemical reactions that unfold when the battery’s electrolyte, which is purported to move lithium ions, inadvertently releases hydrogen into the positive end, or cathode. This “triggers all kinds of problems” and reduces the capacity and lifespan of the battery, says Gang Wan, a materials physicist and chemist at Stanford University. “Even should you’re now not the use of the battery, it loses energy.”

Anatomy of a lithium-ion battery

In a lithium-ion battery (illustrated less than), two electrodes of opposite charges, an anode and a cathode, store lithium ions. The ions move from the anode to the cathode in an electrolyte, which creates chemical reactions that free electrons to construct a charge. The electrolyte is purported to move handiest lithium ions, but hydrogen protons and electrons break off of molecules in the electrolyte and leak into the outer layers of the cathode, triggering a cascade of unwanted reactions that reduce battery life.

Argonne National Laboratory/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA adapted by C. Chang

Past explanations of energy loss in batteries excited by the movement of lithium ions. Some researchers have hypothesized that hydrogen atoms may play a job, but it surely without a doubt has been not easy to take a check out because hydrogen is so small and ubiquitous. So, Wan and his colleagues swapped the hydrogen in the electrolyte of cell-sized batteries for deuterium, a heavier variant of hydrogen. The researchers then tracked the deuterium’s movement with high-powered X-ray imaging and mass spectrometry. Using the outcomes and theoretical calculations, the team showed that hydrogen is the “dominant” player in cathode charge loss.

The research boosts our knowledge of the opaque chemistry unfolding within batteries, which makes it “truly significant,” says Bart Bartlett, a materials and inorganic chemist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who wasn’t serious about the learn about. It hints at which you should still take note of pathways for improved battery life, comparable to changing battery chemistry to remain away from hydrogen reactions.

Plus, the work highlights an unacknowledged problem in the ongoing push for increasingly more high-voltage batteries, as engineers aim to carry more energy in smaller cells. Higher voltage cathodes are more reactive and more susceptible to drag in hydrogen, so the higher the battery voltage, the more this “protonation” or “hydrogenation” takes place. “It’s a trade-off that I don’t think we fully appreciated we were making, or didn’t take note of why,” Bartlett says.

But, he says, the scientists assessed only 1 kind of battery and scenario. More research is needed to grasp how broadly the findings apply.

If the team’s observations do prove replicable, they’ll likely set off better, longer-lasting batteries that speed innovations like longer-range electric vehicles, says Jacqueline Edge, a battery researcher and engineer at Imperial College London. Simultaneously, advances in battery life would minimize our should mine the minerals that go into battery cells like cobalt and, of course, lithium, which carries negative environmental and social consequences (SN: 5/7/19). Or not it is able to well be going to most probably be a two-fold sustainability win, she says.

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