Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE: Ukraine's Zelenskyy declares 'we will defeat everyone', as war drags into second year

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE: Ukraine's Zelenskyy declares 'we will defeat everyone', as war drags into second year

Feb 24, 2023 - 13:30
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Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE: Ukraine's Zelenskyy declares 'we will defeat everyone', as war drags into second year

13:15 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Zelenskyy hails Ukraine, vows victory

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday hailed his nation and its people for fighting back against Russia over the past year and vowed victory on the one-year anniversary of the war.

Zelenskyy described it as a "furious year of invincibility" in a statement released on social media.

"Its main result is that we endured. We were not defeated. And we will do everything to gain victory this year!"

"Ukraine has inspired the world. Ukraine has united the world," Zelenskyy said, hailing cities that have become bywords for alleged Russian war crimes like Bucha, Irpin and Mariupol as "capitals of invincibility."

"We will never rest until the Russian murderers face deserved punishment".

13:05 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Ukraine's Zelenskyy declares 'we will defeat everyone', as war drags into second year

The war in Ukraine entered its second year on Friday with no end in sight, a defiant President Volodymyr Zelenskyy vowing "we will defeat everyone" and global leaders set to impose new sanctions on Russia and countries supporting its war effort.

In a video message, Zelenskyy said: "...we are strong. We are ready for anything. We will defeat everyone."

"This is how it began on February 24, 2022," he said, sitting behind a desk and recalling how he addressed Ukrainians a year ago as the world reeled from Russia's act of war.

"The longest day of our lives. The most difficult day in our recent history. We woke up early and haven't slept since."

Zelenskyy described 2022 as a year of resilience, courage, pain, and unity.

"Its main conclusion is that we have survived. We had not been defeated. And we will do everything to win this year!"

12:51 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Germany will support Ukraine 'as strongly and as long as necessary'

Germany will support Ukraine "as strongly and as long as necessary", Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Thursday, the one-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion of the country by Russia.

"What impresses us all very much - that is the determination and courage of the Ukrainians, how they defend their freedom," Scholz said in a video message marking the anniversary.

12:49 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

UK issues export bans on every item used by Russia in war

Britain marked the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by issuing more sanctions against Russia, including export bans on every item it has used on the battlefield.

The Foreign Office said on Friday the internationally coordinated sanctions and trade measures would target aircraft parts, radio equipment and electronic components.

It will also target more Russian executives including those at the nuclear power plant Rosatom and others who work at defence groups and Russian banks.

12:47 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Australia quietly expels major Russian spy ring, report says

Australia has quietly expelled a large Russian spy ring whose members were posing as diplomats, a newspaper reported Friday after Australia's main security agency revealed a major counterespionage success.

The spy ring comprised purported embassy and consular staff as well as other operatives using deep-cover identities, The Sydney Morning Herald reported, citing unnamed sources with knowledge of the operation.

The Australian Security Intelligence Organization, the nation’s main domestic spy agency, revealed on Tuesday it had “detected and disrupted a major spy network.” ASIO has not named the country responsible.

12:44 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

What is China's peace proposal for Ukraine War?

One year into Russia's war against Ukraine, China is offering a 12-point proposal to end the fighting.

The proposal follows China's recent announcement that it is trying to act as a mediator in the war that has re-energized Western alliances viewed by Beijing and Moscow as rivals. China's top diplomat indicated that the plan was coming at a security conference this week in Munich, Germany.

With its release, President Xi Jinping's government is reiterating China's claim to being neutral, despite blocking efforts at the United Nations to condemn the invasion. The document echoes Russian complaints that Western governments are to blame for the 24 February 2022 invasion and criticizes sanctions on Russia.

12:42 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

France stands by Ukraine, Macron says on one-year war anniversary

President Emmanuel Macron on Friday reiterated France's support for Ukraine on the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion.

"People of Ukraine, France stands by your side. To solidarity. To victory. To peace", Macron tweeted.

12:31 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Ukraine leader pledges push for victory on war anniversary

Ukraine’s president pledged to push for victory in 2023 as he and other Ukrainians on Friday marked the sombre first anniversary of the Russian invasion that changed their lives.

As dawn broke on a day of commemorations and defiance, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy tweeted that Ukrainians had proven themselves to be “invincible” in what he called “a year of pain, sorrow, faith and unity.”

“We know that 2023 will be the year of our victory!” the tweet said.

Ukrainians planned memorials, candle vigils and other remembrances for their tens of thousands of dead — a toll growing all the time as fighting rages in eastern Ukraine in particular.

12:24 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Russia's Wagner claims capture of Ukraine village near Bakhmut

The head of Russia's Wagner Group on Friday said that his fighters had captured a village near Ukraine's eastern city of Bakhmut, the scene of fierce fighting between the two sides for months.

Berkhivka "is entirely under our control", Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a statement released by his press service on the one-year anniversary of Moscow's offensive in Ukraine.

12:05 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: One Year On

12:03 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

G7 raises Ukraine support to $39 billion for 2023, urges IMF programme by March

The Group of Seven (G7) nations on Thursday raised economic support to Ukraine to $39 billion for this year and urged an IMF programme for the country by the end of March, according to a statement released by the bloc's current president Japan.

The decision came after a meeting of the bloc's finance ministers and central bank governors on the eve of the war's first anniversary. The conflict continues to rage despite sanctions by western nations meant to cripple Russia's financing of its "special military operation".

Ukraine is hoping to clinch a $15 billion programme with the International Monetary Fund that will cover immediate financial assistance and support for structural reforms to underpin efforts at post-conflict rebuilding.

12:01 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Russia, China advancing world vision that is fundamentally at odds with UN Charter: US

Russia and China are trying to advance a vision of the world that is fundamentally at odds with the one set forth in the UN Charter, the US has said.

The remarks by State Department Spokesperson Ned Price came in response to a question over the growing proximity between Russia and China during the past week and what impact this is having on the challenge that the US is facing solving the major global problems.

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11:43 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Yellen, G7 urge more aid for Ukraine and adherence to Russia sanctions

Finance ministers from the United States and its G7 allies called for more financial support for Ukraine on Thursday and vowed to maintain tough sanctions on Russia on the eve of the first anniversary of Moscow's invasion.

Speaking ahead of a meeting of the Group of 20 nations in India, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen took the lead in urging the IMF to pull together a loan programme for Ukraine, adding that Washington was preparing an additional $10 billion in economic assistance.

The Group of Seven rich democracies, in a statement, said the bloc hoped the IMF programme would be ready by March, adding that the G7 had increased financial aid for Ukraine for this year to $39 billion.

11:40 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

G20 finance leaders to gauge toll on global economy on Ukraine war's anniversary

Global finance leaders will tally the economic damage from Russia's war in Ukraine on Friday as they meet on the conflict's first anniversary with some voicing concerns that more sanctions on Moscow would disrupt a modest improvement in growth.

The meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors on the outskirts of India's Bengaluru tech hub comes amid signs that the global outlook has improved from the group's last meeting in October, when a number of G20 economies were teetering on the brink of recession amid energy and food price spikes caused by the war.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday highlighted the improvement, saying the global economy "is in a better place today than many predicted just a few months ago".

The International Monetary Fund has forecast global GDP growth for 2023 at 2.9per cent, up from a 2.7per cent forecast in October, but still well below the 3.4per cent achieved in 2022.

11:37 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

As Vladimir Putin raises nuclear threat one year into the war, a look at Russia’s nuclear arsenal

On 24 February 2022, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced the special military operation into Ukraine to de-Nazify the country. A year on, the Russia-Ukraine war wages on with little hope of it ending any time soon.

Neither side has released any official figures lately, but analysts estimate that about 200,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in the war so far. Ukraine has seen 100,000 killed or wounded in action. And that’s only the military losses. The war by some estimates has cost both countries over $100 billion and counting.

Despite the heavy losses — economically and physically — both sides refuse to relent. Neither Russian leader Vladimir Putin nor Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy shows any signs of backing down and abandoning one of the largest military conflicts since the end of World War II. For the civilians caught in the crossfire, that means the bloodshed and suffering brought on by the war has no discernible end.

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11:33 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

French finance minister says G20 must condemn Russia for Ukraine war

G20 financial leaders must condemn Russia's aggression against Ukraine, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told Reuters in an interview on Friday, adding that Europe was working on new sanctions against Moscow.

Speaking on the first day of the G20 financial leaders meeting near Bengaluru, Le Maire said, "Sanctions will be more and more efficient, more and more effective".

"We are working on the new wave of sanctions against Russia at European level," he added.

11:31 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Yellen says Russian officials at G20 meeting 'complicit' in war atrocities

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen accused Russian officials attending a G20 finance leaders meeting on Friday of being "complicit" in atrocities in Russia's invasion of Ukraine and for the damage the war has caused to the global economy.

In remarks to an opening session of the gathering on the first anniversary of the Russian invasion, Yellen called on G20 counterparts to "redouble their efforts to support Ukraine and restrict Russia's capacity to wage war."

She said Russian President Vladimir Putin's "weaponisation" of food and energy has hurt not only Ukraine, but the global economy and especially developing countries.

11:28 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says a meeting with China is ‘desirable’

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he had not yet seen a Chinese plan for ending Russia’s war on Ukraine but that he would welcome talks with Beijing.

China, a close Russian ally, has said it will set out its position on settling the Ukraine conflict through political means in a document that will take into account territorial integrity, sovereignty and security concerns.

Asked about prospects for a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Zelenskyy told a news briefing in Kyiv, “We would like to meet with China.”

11:26 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

As UNGA discusses Ukraine conflict, India hosts event highlighting Gandhi's message of peace and trusteeship

As the UN General Assembly marked one year of the Ukraine conflict, Mahatma Gandhi's message of peace and trusteeship was highlighted at a special event hosted by India 

India's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in partnership with the University for Peace organised a high-level panel discussion on "Gandhian Trusteeship: Mission LiFE and Human Flourishing" at the UN headquarters on Thursday.

The event highlighted and deliberated on Gandhi's doctrine of Trusteeship and its relevance in today's world with a focus on the concept of Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) and Human Flourishing to promote sustainable lifestyles and enduring peace.

11:24 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

One year of Russia-Ukraine war

There have been almost 18,955 civilian injuries, including 7,199 fatalities. The conflict has caused the displacement of almost 14 million Ukrainians. The conflict has injured or killed an estimated 180,000 Russian soldiers and 100,000 Ukrainian forces.

11:17 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

The most difficult year

The year-long war has devastated swathes of Ukraine, displaced millions, turned Russia into a pariah in the West and, according to Western sources, has caused more than 150,000 casualties on each side.

According to a recent Ukrainian poll, 17 per cent of respondents said they had lost a loved one in the war. 

The study by the sociological group Rating also showed a huge boost in confidence towards Zelenskyy, the 45-year-old former comic turned war-time leader. 

Around 95 per cent of Ukrainians say they are confident of Kyiv's victory.


11:07 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

How Russia's invasion of Ukraine has redrawn the world map

The Russia war has heightened conflicts and confrontations beyond Ukraine's borders, as well as the existing global tendency for countries to form blocs centred on Washington and Beijing. 

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11:00 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

America stands with Ukraine, says Joe Biden

This week, US President Joe Biden surprised the world by visiting war-time Kyiv to pledge new arms deliveries.

"One year later, Kyiv stands. Ukraine stands," he tweeted. "Democracy stands. America -- and the world -- stands with Ukraine."


10:55 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Anthony Blinken: President Zelenskyy has become an extraordinary figure on the world stage

In an interview, US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken said that President Zelenskyy has become an extraordinary figure on the world stage, all to the benefit of his country. "I think President Biden has a lot of admiration for him, a lot of respect for him, and I think that was on full evidence when the President was in Kyiv standing side by side with President Zelenskyy, in a Kyiv that remains free and part of a strong, independent Ukraine", he added.

10:18 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

Ukraine war completes one year today with no end in sight

09:59 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

China urges Russia, Ukraine to resume direct peace talks as soon as possible

China called Friday for Russia and Ukraine to hold peace talks as soon as possible while insisting that nuclear weapons must not be used in their conflict.

China made the comments in a 12-point paper on the “political settlement” of the crisis, timed to coincide with the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“All parties should support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible,” said the paper, released on the foreign ministry’s website.

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09:37 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

UN votes to demand Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw troops from Ukraine

The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to demand Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine, marking the one-year anniversary of the war with a call for a “just and lasting” peace.

Ukraine earned strong backing in a non-binding vote that saw 141 of the 193 UN members in support, seven opposed and 32, including China and India, abstaining.

Coming on the eve of the first anniversary of the brutal war, support for Kyiv was little changed from that of last October when 143 countries voted to condemn Russia’s declared annexation of four Ukraine regions.

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09:35 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

India, China abstain from UN General Assembly vote for peace in Ukraine

India and China were among the 32 members of the United Nations General Assembly that abstained from the UN vote demanding Russia to “immediately and unconditionally” withdraw troops from Ukraine.

On the eve of the first anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) approved a nonbinding resolution that calls for Russia to end hostilities in Ukraine and withdraw its forces.

Drafted by Ukraine in consultation with its allies, the resolution was passed 141-7.

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09:18 (IST)

Ukraine War Anniversary LIVE

In Russia-Ukraine war, information became a weapon

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the deadliest conflict in Europe since World War II, and the first to see algorithms and TikTok videos deployed alongside fighter planes and tanks.

The online fight has played out on computer screens and smartphones around the globe as Russia used disinformation, propaganda and conspiracy theories to justify its invasion, silence domestic opposition and sow discord among its adversaries.

Now in its second year, the war is likely to spawn even more disinformation as Russia looks to break the will of Ukraine and its allies.


09:10 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

One year on, huge majority of Ukrainians confident of victory

Some 95 per cent of Ukrainians are confident of their country's victory against invading Russian forces, according to a poll conducted in early February by the Ukraine-based Rating Group institute. 

The study, published just days before the first anniversary of Russia's invasion, also showed a boost in confidence towards Ukraine's leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 

According to the survey, trust in President Zelenskyy has grown to 90 per cent compared to 36 per cent in January 2022, a month before the invasion.

Meanwhile, trust in the army was up to 97 per cent from 65 per cent in 2019.


09:05 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

Ukrainians pray, ready for strikes one year after Russian invasion

Ukrainians will hold ceremonies across their war-ravaged country Friday on the first anniversary of Russia's invasion, with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to assure them of victory even as they face the threat of new missile strikes.

A year ago to the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin stunned the world by sending troops across the border, in a move seen as punishment for Kyiv's pivot to the West. 

On Friday, Zelenskyy will hold a news conference to mark the bitter milestone, while commemorations will be held across the country.

One of the ceremonies will be held in the town of Bucha, which has become a byword for Russian atrocities, while priests will lead prayers for peace.


09:01 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

US to impose 'sweeping' sanctions on Russia over Ukraine war: White House

The United States will announce "sweeping" new economic sanctions against Russia and more support for Ukraine on Friday, a year after President Vladimir Putin ordered the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, the White House said.

"The United States will implement sweeping sanctions against key sectors that generate revenue for Putin," Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Thursday.

Ukraine will dominate a virtual summit of the G7 countries Friday -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States -- that will also be joined by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


08:56 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

UN demands Russia withdraw from Ukraine

The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to demand Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine, marking the one-year anniversary of the war with a call for a "just and lasting" peace.

Ukraine earned strong backing in a non-binding vote that saw 141 of the 193 UN members in support, seven opposed and 32, including China and India abstaining.

Coming on the eve of the first anniversary of the brutal war, support for Kyiv was little changed from that of last October when 143 countries voted to condemn Russia's declared annexation of four Ukraine regions.


08:41 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

US announces $2 bn in new Ukraine military aid

The United States will send Ukraine a new military aid package worth $2 billion, a top US official said Thursday, a day before the first anniversary of Russia's invasion.

"Today, the United States announced a further $2 billion in security assistance to Ukraine," National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on CNN.

He did not give details of the types of armaments to be expected in the package.


08:39 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

One year of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

08:33 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

One year of Russia-Ukraine war: What has happened thus far, what could happen next

On 24 February 2022, Russia announced that it is invading Ukraine.

Three days prior, President Vladimir Putin in a televised address claimed the sovereign nation was an ‘integral part’ of Russian history.

Announcing that he would deploy ‘peacekeeping’ forces to the region, Putin signed agreements to recognise three breakaway regions – Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR).

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08:32 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

China calls for Russia-Ukraine cease-fire, peace talks

China, a firm Russian ally, has called for a cease-fire between Ukraine and Moscow and the opening of peace talks as part of a 12-point proposal to end the conflict.

The plan issued Friday morning by the Foreign Ministry also urges the end of Western sanctions imposed on Russia, measures to ensure the safety of nuclear facilities, the establishment of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians, and steps to ensure the export of grain after disruptions caused global food prices to spike.

China has claimed to be neutral in the conflict, but it has a “no limits” relationship with Russia and has refused to criticize its invasion of Ukraine over even refer to it as such while accusing the West of provoking the conflict and “fanning the flames" by providing Ukraine with defensive arms.


08:28 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

G7 increases economic aid to Ukraine to $39 billion

The Group of Seven (G7) finance ministers on Thursday announced increasing the bloc's economic aid to Ukraine to $ 39 billion and called upon the IMF to deliver a fresh financial package to the country by March to help it deal with the impact of the Russian invasion.

The G7 finance ministers and Central Bank governors deliberated on Ukraine's overall economic condition at a meeting here on the eve of the first anniversary of the Russian aggression.

The meeting was virtually joined by Ukrainian Finance Minister Sergii Marchenko.


08:13 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

India abstains in UNGA on Ukraine resolution

India abstained in the UN General Assembly on a resolution that underscored the need to reach 'comprehensive, just and lasting peace' in Ukraine, as New Delhi questioned whether the world was 'anywhere near a possible solution' acceptable to both Moscow and Kyiv a year into the Ukrainian conflict.

India was among the 32 nations that abstained as the 193-member General Assembly adopted the resolution 'Principles of the Charter of the United Nations underlying a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine' Thursday, put forward by Ukraine and its supporters.

The resolution, which received 141 votes in favour and seven against, underscored the 'need to reach, as soon as possible, a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine in line with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations'.


08:01 (IST)

Ukraine War First Anniversary LIVE

One Year of Russia-Ukraine War: Will the conflict end in 2023?

It’s been a year since Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine from the north, east, and south. President Vladimir Putin dubbed the invasion a “special military operation” aimed at “demilitarisation” and “denazification” of the country to protect ethnic Russians, prevent Kyiv’s NATO membership and keep it in Russia’s “sphere of influence”. Ukraine calls it a war and it’s a long-drawn one.

The Russia-Ukraine war has left the world divided and fueled fears that confrontation could slide into an open conflict between Russia and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which comprises the US, the UK and its allies. Two of the world’s most powerful countries – America and China – have picked their sides.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday expressed confidence in his country’s victory over invading Russian forces, as the United Nations marked the eve of the war’s first anniversary by voting overwhelmingly to demand Moscow withdraw.

Since the war started, Western leaders have rushed to support Kyiv, and G7 ministers discussed new sanctions on Russia Thursday, while the White House said Washington would announce “sweeping” new measures.

Zelenskyy vowed to keep up the fight as Ukraine prepared to mark one year since the invasion on Friday.

“We have not broken down, we have overcome many ordeals and we will prevail,” Zelenskyy said on social media.

“We will hold to account all those who brought this evil, this war to our land.”

In the capital Kyiv, which saw Russian troops at its doorstep at the start of the invasion last February and has suffered relentless attacks since residents remained defiant.

Ahead of the anniversary, Ukraine’s military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov warned that Russia was planning a missile attack on Friday to mark the day.

In Moscow, President Vladimir Putin promised victory as he laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before meeting soldiers in Red Square under blue skies and brisk temperatures.

Russia’s “unbreakable unity is the key to our victory,” said Putin, who has likened his offensive to Moscow’s fight against Nazi Germany in 1941-1945.

Political commentators say the 70-year-old Kremlin chief is steeling Russians for long conflict with the West, insisting the country’s survival is at stake.

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