US lawmakers seek ‘suspension’ of assistance to Pakistan

US lawmakers seek ‘suspension’ of assistance to Pakistan

Nov 19, 2023 - 14:30
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US lawmakers seek ‘suspension’ of assistance to Pakistan

In a letter to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, eleven members of the US Congress urged the Biden administration to delay future US assistance to Pakistan until the country restores constitutional order and holds free and fair elections.

The congressmen asked the Department of State to make a legal determination under the Leahy Laws and Section 502(b) of the Foreign aid Act to determine if US-origin security aid helped human rights breaches in Pakistan.

In the letter, they wrote, “We further request that future security assistance be withheld until Pakistan has moved decisively toward the restoration of Constitutional order, including by holding free and fair elections in which all parties are able to participate freely.”

The letter also mentioned the country’s efforts to enhance the blasphemy law, warning Secretary Blinken that the proposed reforms would be utilised to further tighten the noose around smaller religious organisations and minorities.

Nearly a dozen members of Congress, including Ilhan Omar, are calling for the restoration of constitutional order and the repeal of blasphemy laws.

“We are extremely concerned about the passing of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2023 which will strengthen the existing blasphemy law, which has historically been used to persecute religious minorities,” the lawmakers wrote.

They said the bill, which has yet to be signed by the president, was “passed in haste despite repeated calls from many lawmakers for a thorough parliamentary procedure.”

The letter further stated that on August 16, eight days after the measure was passed, a mob desecrated churches and set fire to Christian homes in Jaranwala. It also mentioned reported anti-bill protests, especially those by the Shia community in Gilgit-Baltistan.

“Religious persecution remains rampant in Pakistan, and we are concerned about future restrictions on freedom of religion and belief should this Bill become law,” the lawmakers warned.

The initiative was spearheaded by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a vocal supporter of Muslim rights in the US Congress. Frank Pallone Jr., Joaquin Castro, Summer Lee, Ted W. Lieu, Dina Titus, Lloyd Doggett, and Cori Bush are among the other signatories.

The majority of them are members of Congress’ progressive caucus, which has played a significant role in raising awareness of the Palestinian crisis in Washington and also attends protest meetings and rallies calling for a quick ceasefire in Gaza.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom stated in its most recent report on Pakistan that “religious minorities were especially vulnerable to prosecution or violence based on blasphemy allegations,” and that “blasphemy cases remained a significant threat to religious freedom.”

The previous government in Pakistan was also accused of “weaponizing the country’s blasphemy laws against former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his cabinet members,” according to the study.

While recognising Pakistan’s importance as a long-standing ally, the lawmakers also emphasised the importance of addressing issues such as restrictions on freedom of expression, speech, and religion, enforced disappearances, military courts, and harassment and arrest of political opponents and human rights defenders.

In addition to the continued harassment and arrests, the MPs brought up the cases against PTI head Imran Khan, emphasising that he might face the death penalty for allegedly breaking the Official Secrets Act.

The letter also cited Imaan Mazari, a human rights lawyer who was arrested at 3 a.m. after speaking at a rally against enforced disappearances.

The letter encouraged the US Embassy in Islamabad to send observers to human rights defenders’ and political dissidents’ hearings and other legal proceedings, notably in high-profile instances involving Ms Mazari, Khadija Shah, and Mr Khan.

“We believe that the United States can play a constructive role in supporting positive change, and it is our hope that our cooperation can contribute to a more just and equitable future for the people of Pakistan,” the lawmakers wrote.

They also expressed an interest in collaborating with Secretary Blinken to advance human rights, democracy, and stability in Pakistan.

However, it is uncertain how the US administration, notably the Department of State, will respond to these concerns and whether the dynamics of the US-Pakistan relationship will be affected.

The focus on human rights transgressions in Washington highlights the delicate balance between geopolitical ties and the promotion of democratic norms on a global scale. When commenting on Pakistan’s current political crisis, the State Department has been extremely circumspect.

The subject has been highlighted on a regular basis in the State Department’s daily briefings, where the spokesman has avoided making statements that may be perceived as support for either the government or the opposition.

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