Can You Lose Weight By Walking Only? Here is What You Should Know

Walking is one of the effective ways to lose weight. But can walking alone help to drop extra kilos? Here is what we know.

Jun 18, 2024 - 10:30
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Can You Lose Weight By Walking Only? Here is What You Should Know

Weight loss has no one rule. Everyone has their own routine, own rules because different things affect individuals differently. For a healthy and sustainable weight loss, a proper amalgamation of diet, exercises and lifestyle habits is essential. When it comes to exercise, it helps to burn calories more effectively. There is a huge umbrella of exercises which further has cardio workout, strength training, weight training, yoga, HIIT, etc. Physical activity is imperative not just for weight loss but also to maintain a healthy and fit body, heart, kidney, brain health etc.

One of the common exercises people opt for is walking. Consistent and regular walking routine can actually impact the overall health. But is walking enough?

Walking For Weight Loss

Walking Is important for weight management as it can help to burn calories and boost metabolism. However, the time and intensity of your walking determines it impact for weight loss. IF you brisk walk everyday for 30-40 minutes, it may help in reducing extra kilos.

But doing so twice in a week or being irregular will not show you the target results. Several studies and people have attested how walking almost 10,000 steps everyday has significantly contributed in weight reduction and also aided with fat loss too.

5 Must-Know Health Benefits of Walking

  • It helps to reduce bad cholesterol levels (LDL) naturally.
  • Walking also helps in release of happy hormones that can help to elevate your mood, reduce stress and help to maintain a healthy, mental health.
  • Walking can help to reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • This exercises can also help to regulate blood sugar levels.

Therefore, while walking can substantially and effectively help you lose weight, one must be mindful to factor in diet and lifestyle habits as well. Dedication and consistency is also a pillar to establish a proper regime that gives optimal results. And while one things works for you, it might not for someone else. Hence, it is also better to consult a professional dietician or medical professional to chart out a healthy course of action according to your subjective bodily requirements.

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