Some yoga asanas that beginners can practice

Some yoga asanas that beginners can practice

Jan 23, 2023 - 18:30
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Some yoga asanas that beginners can practice

Yoga is one of the most beneficial exercises for our body. If you are new to yoga, you might be overwhelmed due to the sheer number of poses and their complicated-sounding names. But, it is really not that tough. Knowledge about yoga is important because there is always a risk of pushing yourself too far and injuring yourself if you don’t practice it the right way. The best method to achieve your objectives while performing yoga is to practice it regularly after knowing about how a particular yoga pose affects you. If you are just starting out, here are a few yoga poses you can try:

Malasana: One of the most popular yoga poses, Malasana strengthens the hips and groin. Also known as the garland pose, a number of variations of this pose can be tried out as well.

Marjaryasana to Bitilasana: Also known as the cat/cow pose, this asana is a great way to warm up your back. It also helps improve mobility (and thus becomes perfect for those who do desk jobs). This helps you to work your core without causing any extra stress on your wrists and shoulders.

Trikonasana: Trikonasana appears to be a classic standing pose. It helps to reduce spinal and back stiffness, improves metabolism and strengthens your core.

Tree pose: Tree pose helps you to stretch the body, from the heels to your fingertips. The pose also helps you to improve your balance.

Adho Mukha Svanansana: Adho Mukha Svanansana is one of the most recognisable poses of the bunch. Also referred to as the downward dog pose, it is a great way to stretch your arms, hamstrings, back and shoulders. It makes you feel calm and centred too.

Shavasana: Lying around usually seems to be pointless, but this is one of the most meditative poses in any yoga practice. The pose helps to relieve stress and puts you in a relaxed state of mind.

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