5 ways to reduce your muscle pain

5 ways to reduce your muscle pain

Nov 30, 2022 - 22:30
 0  61
5 ways to reduce your muscle pain

Pain is a feeling that we all experience during our lifetime. It may be mild or dull. However, at other times, such pain can really be unbearable. Muscle pain is something that is really common and can occur in both children and adults. Muscle pain is usually not very serious, which is why there is nothing to worry about. However, sometimes it may appear to be a symptom of an underlying disease. In case there is muscle pain for some reason, you may treat it with the help of home remedies.

Here are some home remedies that are worth trying:

Turmeric: Turmeric refers to a flavored spice which is commonly used in Indian cooking. Turmeric contains curcumin, which helps to reduce pain caused by a huge number of conditions, including diabetic neuropathy and sciatica.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is considered to be very effective in reducing muscle pain. Add a single spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it or you may apply it directly on your affected area as it has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to reduce muscle pain and swelling.

Raw Onions: Onions are extremely beneficial in reducing the pain. Raw onions consist of many vitamins and minerals that reduce our pain to a significant degree. It also contains multiple antioxidants, which are suitable for keeping the body in good health.

Use essential oils: Certain essential oils like marjoram, lemongrass, peppermint can help to reduce muscle spasms and pain. Use one teaspoon of carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil and then add one or two drops of essential oil to it. Massage the affected area with it. Tart cherry juice helps to reduce muscle pain.

Massage: Though scientifically, the benefits of massage have mixed opinions, many people still go for both professional massage therapists and at-home massage tools. If you are under stress and feel anxious, you may tense your muscles, causing them to spasm. Massage is relaxing and can help you to reduce stress.

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