Dave Ramsey reveals new blunt Social Security payment warning

The personal finance radio host explains his views on two government benefits.

Sep 16, 2024 - 08:30
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Dave Ramsey reveals new blunt Social Security payment warning

A updated Social Security Administration report confirmed that, with none legislative changes, one in all its two major have self belief funds will no longer be solvent in 2033.

And recently, personal finance author and radio host Dave Ramsey minced no words about his opinion on the state of the federal program.

Related: Dave Ramsey bluntly speaks on interest rates and mortgages

It be some distance important to notice that lawmaker action to fix the solvency problem earlier than 2033 is possible. Also, even without legislative intervention, exhausting the have self belief fund wouldn't mean Social Security benefits will end.

Essentially, ongoing funding from payroll taxes would still be expected to fulfill about Eighty% of currently scheduled payments.

The subject came up when Ramsey became recently asked by an advice-seeker a pair of different government benefit.

"Dear Dave," wrote somebody identifying himself as Brandt in an email sent by Ramsey Solutions to TheStreet. "We’ve been following your plan for your time. We’re debt-free, aside from our home, and we have now gotten got six months of expenses set aside in our emergency fund. Recently, I lost my job. I’m luckier than some, because I received a generous severance package from my previous employer, plus my wife still has a superior job."

"My parents always raised me to accommodate things myself and not place confidence in others," he continued. "I suppose it’s on account of this I think somewhat guilty about filing for unemployment compensation. Do you believe you studied there’s the remaining morally wrong with accepting unemployment benefits?"

It be when Ramsey explained his pointed views on Social Security, earlier than providing some standpoint on Brandt's compelling question about unemployment benefits.

Dave Ramsey calls Social Security a 'mathematical failure'

Ramsey first spoke back to Brandt with a pair personal comments about the new reality wherein he and his family in finding themselves.

"I in point of fact appreciate your self-sufficient attitude," he wrote. "I don’t know what took place at your last job, but I’ve got a sense you’re a demanding worker and a great guy. I’m sorry you and your wife are having to accommodate this kind of situation."

Then the non-public finance personality bluntly asserted his warning on the present state of Social Security.

"The Social Security system at some stage in this us of a is a mathematical failure," he wrote apparently evidently.

"But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to take my money when I deserve it," he added. "The government took it from me during the first place, so I don’t have a controversy with accepting something I’ve already paid into."

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Ramsey pivoted from that opinion on accepting one government benefit to Brandt's question about unemployment compensation.

"Now, I’ll throw out a warning here," Ramsey said. "Every now and then when people start receiving unemployment benefits, it causes them to take their foot off the gas. The premise that 'free' money is coming in can help them rationalize sitting at home on the couch, in preference to working hard to in finding the other job and being extra careful with their finances."

"I’m not hearing that sort of mentality from you, though," he continued. "And it’s obvious you and your wife have been pretty smart with your finances."

An unemployed man is seen in front of a computer being concerned about finding a job. Personal finance coach Dave Ramsey has advice for unemployed workers.


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The Ramsey Show host offered some advice about ways people can most effectively concentrate on periods of unemployment.

"One thing more I’d suggest is ensuring you learn about your severance package as survival money simplest," he wrote. "Make a strict budget and follow it. Cut out all excess spending. That suggests no eating out, vacations or the remaining like that until you’re working again and the total thing’s back on solid ground."

"On the moment, concentrate on covering your Four Walls," Ramsey added. "By that, I mean food, utilities, safe haven and transportation. Feed your loved ones, keep the electricity on, pay the mortgage and put enough gas during the car to get where you deserve to go."

Related: Dave Ramsey has major warning on retirement, 401(k), Social Security

Ramsey finished with some words of encouragement.

"Everyone hits a rough stretch of road in life infrequently, Brandt," he wrote. "But you two are in a position to concentrate on it better than most. Just take lower than consideration what got you to this kind of fine place with your finances during the first place."

"The discipline muscle is already there, and it’s strong. Just flex it, and it’ll assist get you thru this and back for your feet again!"

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