How to prepare for what may be the worst hurricane season yet

Centuri CEO Bill Fehrman joins TheStreet to discuss how Americans can prepare for what could be the worst hurricane season yet.

Jun 15, 2024 - 22:30
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How to prepare for what may be the worst hurricane season yet

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says we could be in store for the worst hurricane season in decades. And while safety is the number one concern, it’s the job of company’s like Centuri to make sure everything gets back up and running as quickly as possible. 

Centuri CEO Bill Fehrman joined TheStreet to discuss how his company is preparing, as well as what you can do to protect yourself this hurricane season.

Related: How Carnival and Royal Caribbean handle hurricane season

Full Video Transcript Below: 

Conway Gittens: It's the beginning of hurricane season, and you mentioned that you are an infrastructure company. You go in and you help. So how do you prepare? How do you prepare yourself? How do you prepare your customers for potential weather hazards?

Bill Fehrman: So this year, if you've been following the news reports, they're predicting to be the worst hurricane season in many, many, many years. And our customers are actually the utilities that provide the service to those customers. And so I know they're watching the weather and the projections and the forecasts. And then when they see a hurricane or other major storm heading their way, they'll begin to reposition crews like our people will get close to where they think the hurricane will hit landfall. And then we'll be able to respond very quickly because we're essentially already in place. And that's really how this works. It's a very, very much a. Collaborative mutual aid type of process within the utility industry that allows customers to get back online as quickly as they can.

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Conway Gittens: Do you have any advice for businesses and homeowners and how they can prepare to for possible weather events.

Bill Fehrman: Well, again, I always look at what's happening in your area. Make sure if particularly if you're in a hurricane prone area or a heavy storm area, that you have supplies in your home that can last a few days. Because on these types of events, if it's a named hurricane, for instance, there's a high probability that if you're in the impact area, you're going to be out of power for some period of time. And so if it's safe to stay home, certainly you can do that. But make sure you have what you need as far as critical medicines. And water and food to last or if you can just get out of the area and wait for it to pass and come back in when things are back online and you've got power and water and gas to your home. 

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