New Delhi: POCO has launched the POCO X7 Pro, now accessible on Flipkart starting at ₹24,999*. The instrument offers a total lot of commence day offers, in conjunction with an immediate ₹1000 gash label with a a form of coupon, accessible for on the present time handiest. Customers may glean a further ₹2000 off when the exercise of ICICI, SBI, or HDFC Monetary institution playing cards or by product commerce. POCO shall be offering versatile rate choices, in conjunction with a 12-month No-Sign EMI, with a 9-month option as correctly.
The POCO X7 Pro aspects a 6550mAh battery with Silicon Carbon Abilities, designed to form improved energy efficiency for prolonged utilization. It also helps 90W HyperCharge for faster charging. The instrument is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 8400 Ultra chipset, which is asserted to form 20% greater efficiency, improved gaming capabilities, and enhanced visuals.
With regards to characterize, the POCO X7 Pro comes with a 6.67-rush AMOLED flat veil that offers 1.5K resolution and a peak brightness of 3200 nits, making it suitable for exercise in luminous prerequisites. The instrument is equipped in three colour choices: POCO Yellow, Boring evening Shaded, and Frosted Blue. The plot specializes in durability while sustaining a swish appearance, aligning with POCO’s formula to providing competitive aspects at accessible label aspects.