Uranium Enrichment in Iran: How Close is the Islamic Republic to a Nuke Bomb?

The exact size depends on the design and the specific technology being used, but they are generally designed to maximize efficiency while maintaining structural integrity under high-speed rotation.

Oct 6, 2024 - 15:30
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Uranium Enrichment in Iran: How Close is the Islamic Republic to a Nuke Bomb?

ALTHOUGH IRAN DOES NOT currently have nuclear weapons, analysts think its nuclear programme may change into a key target for Israeli retaliation—regardless of US objections—following Iran’s missile attacks on Israel. On Tuesday (October 1), Iran launched greater than A hundred and eighty missiles at Israel all at once, in retaliation to an attack that killed topmost Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. This has ended in widespread speculation about how Israel will respond.

Iran’s attack lays the groundwork for a counterstrike by Israel, that can well be the “decisive action” that Prime Minister Netanyahu has hinted at—potentially focusing on Iran’s nuclear or oil facilities—in keeping with Laura Blumenfeld, a Middle East analyst from Johns Hopkins University quoted by Forbes.

Though Israel’s exact target remains unknown, an Israeli official said the u . s . a . planned to respond swiftly, in keeping with a report by NBC citing an unnamed source. On Wednesday, President Joe Biden informed reporters that the US would now no longer back any Israeli strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Mohammed al-Basha, a Middle East security analyst, told Forbes that speculation became rife that Israel may target Iran’s Bushehr power plant. Bushehr is Iran’s only working nuclear power plant and runs on Russian fuel, which has a low risk of being used for weapons. He in comparison this to how Israel had spoke back to Houthi attacks by bombing fuel depots as a show of strength.

At some point of 2024, US intelligence has consistently reported that Iran has now no longer developed nuclear weapons. Alternatively, since 2018, Iran has significantly expanded its nuclear programme by building hundreds of additional centrifuges. This escalation began after the US, lower than President Donald Trump, withdrew from a nuclear agreement with Iran. Per The Wall Side road Journal (WSJ), these centrifuges are extremely important for enriching uranium, a key step in nuclear development.

In April, senior Iranian general Ahmad Haghtalab warned that Iran may reconsider its nuclear policies if Israel attacked its nuclear web sites. He stated that such an attack may bring about Iranian counterattacks on Israel’s own nuclear facilities, in keeping with a report from the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency.


Since Iran began its nuclear weapons programme in the late-Nineties and early-2000s, Israel, together with the US and the UN, has been puzzling over its progress. Over the years, Israel has taken steps to disrupt Iran’s nuclear development, including such secret operations as sabotage, cyber attacks and even stealing nuclear secrets, so that they'll prevent Iran from advancing its nuclear capabilities. Though Israel never admitted it, Iran accused them of being on the back of the assassination of its top scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, in 2020.

Iran has accumulated enough highly enriched nuclear fuel to create three bombs. Or not it truly is some distance also one in every of of the few countries without nuclear weapons in order to produce uranium enriched to 60%, which is near the ninety% level needed for making nuclear weapons, in keeping with WSJ. Lately, Russia’s relationship with Iran has grown stronger, raising concerns in the US. Per Bloomberg, the US is worried concerning the prospect of Russia sharing technology and data with Iran, in order to boost Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Israel is assumed to have nuclear weapons, nonetheless it has never officially confirmed this. This makes it an undeclared nuclear power, in keeping with the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.


Natural uranium is found in many places around the sector but, in its raw form, it won't find a way to be used to make nuclear weapons. Or not it truly is some distance also now no longer useful in most nuclear reactors for producing electricity or creating plutonium. The uranium first be processed and enriched to make it suitable for these purposes. Plutonium is created for both military purposes, just like building weapons, and for energy production in specific styles of reactors.

Natural uranium is made from different types, also is often called isotopes. Most of it, around ninety nine.three%, is uranium-238, while only a small part, about zero.7%, is uranium-235. Uranium-235 is special since it truly is miles ‘fissile’—which suggests it truly is miles ready to be split or broken apart without problems when hit by slow-moving neutrons, releasing energy in the strategy—which makes it useful in nuclear reactions.

An isotope refers to different styles of the identical chemical element. While all isotopes of a part have the identical choice of protons, they've different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. This difference in neutron count does now no longer change their chemical properties a lot, nonetheless it truly is miles ready to have an effect on their stability and how they behave in nuclear reactions. For example, uranium-238 and uranium-235 are isotopes of uranium, with different numbers of neutrons.

Uranium-235 is the largest kind of uranium to be used in reactor fuel and making nuclear weapons since it truly is miles ready to without problems undergo fission. Alternatively, in its natural form, there's now no longer enough uranium-235. To make it useful for these purposes, the amount of uranium-235 must be increased by keeping apart it from uranium-238. This process is often called enrichment.


Uranium with enrichment levels higher than zero.7% but less than 20% uranium-235 is classed as low-enriched uranium (LEU). Most nuclear reactors used for civil and commercial purposes operate with LEU that in general contains three-5% uranium-235. Examples of LEU used for civil and commercial purposes encompass generating electricity in power flowers, conducting research in nuclear reactors and producing medical isotopes used in diagnostic imaging and cancer treatments.

Uranium enriched to over 20% uranium-235 is often called highly enriched uranium (HEU). While all HEU may possibly be used to make weapons, lower enrichment levels require a bigger quantity of uranium to reach the extremely important mass needed to create a bomb. Countries with nuclear weapons in general use what's often called weapons-grade HEU, which is enriched to ninety% or more. This higher enrichment allows for smaller and lighter nuclear weapons, making them more easy to transport. In particular, ballistic missiles can only carry nuclear weapons which have been miniaturized.

Uranium has a density just like gold and takes up a lot less space for its weight when in comparison with a metal just like iron (gold: 19.32 g/cm³, iron: 7.87 g/cm³).


Sooner than uranium may possibly be enriched, it in general is mined from the ground and milled, followed by chemical processing. Natural uranium ore is extracted from Earth’s crust. While uranium is found in many places worldwide, five countries—Australia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Canada and Niger (in West Africa)—hold sixty five% of the known uranium ore reserves.

After uranium ore is mined, it truly is miles crushed to separate the uranium from the rock around it. This process, also is often called milling, leads to producing uranium oxide pay attention (U3O8)—commonly often also is often called yellowcake. This yellowcake is sent to a conversion facility where impurities are removed and the uranium is mixed with fluorine to create uranium hexafluoride (UF6), a gas in order to well be used for enrichment.

Since uranium-235 and uranium-238 are chemically the identical, common chemical methods for purification won't find a way to be used to separate them. Enrichment methods take benefit of the small difference in mass—about 1%—between the heavier, more common uranium-238 isotope and the lighter, fissile uranium-235 isotope.

Kind of a massive choice of methods have been used to complement uranium. At some point of the Manhattan Project, the US used electromagnetic isotope separation (EMIS), nonetheless it became very energy-intensive and became abandoned after the war attributable to its inefficiency and high cost. At some point of the Cold War, gaseous diffusion changed into the principle method for enrichment but this, too, required a whole lot of electricity and massive facilities. Laser excitation, a more recent technology, has now no longer yet proven to be commercially viable.


At present time, the commonest and efficient method for enriching uranium is the usage of gas centrifuges. In this process, uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas is spun at high speeds in a series of cylindrical centrifuges. The centrifugal force causes the heavier uranium-238 isotopes to maneuver towards the outer edge, while the lighter uranium-235 isotopes remain closer to the centre.

This enables for the gradual separation of uranium-235 from uranium-238. Gas centrifuges are highly efficient and require a lot less electricity when in comparison with such older methods as gaseous diffusion, making them the well known technology for uranium enrichment lately. The speed of gas centrifuges used for uranium enrichment in general ranges from around 18,000 to ninety,000 revolutions per minute (rpm). These high speeds create the necessary centrifugal force to separate the uranium-235 from uranium-238.

The dimensions of gas centrifuges used for uranium enrichment can vary, but most are tall, narrow cylinders. They in general range in heights of about three metres to 12 metres (10 feet to forty feet) and have a diameter of about 15 centimetres to twenty centimetres (6 inches to eight inches). The exact size is determined by the design and the express technology being used, but they're in general designed to maximise efficiency while putting forward structural integrity lower than high-speed rotation.


Uranium enrichment is a nuclear proliferation risk since the identical technology that produces low-enriched uranium (LEU) for reactor fuel may additionally be used to create highly enriched uranium (HEU) for nuclear weapons. There are not any technical limitations stopping countries with enrichment technology from using it to supply weapons-grade uranium—only legal restrictions are in place to forestall it.

Centrifuges create a different challenge for preventing nuclear proliferation since it truly is miles demanding to detect hidden facilities in time and existing centrifuges may possibly be quickly adjusted to supply highly enriched uranium (HEU). At present, countries known to have uranium enrichment capabilities encompass France, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, the US, Russia, Argentina, Brazil, India, Pakistan and Iran.

(The author of this article is a Defence, Aerospace & Political Analyst based in Bengaluru. He is infrequently the Director of ADD Engineering Components, India, Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of ADD Engineering GmbH, Germany. You are ready to reach him at: [email protected])

(DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on this article are those of the author and do now no longer necessarily reflect the official policy or position of India.com. The writer is solely to blame for any claims springing up out of the contents of this article.)

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