Beard and moustache: What Hindu scriptures say about looks of Hanuman and Ravan

Beard and moustache: What Hindu scriptures say about looks of Hanuman and Ravan

Oct 13, 2022 - 12:30
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Beard and moustache: What Hindu scriptures say about looks of Hanuman and Ravan

Recently, a trailer from a film named Adipurush was released, which has been on the receiving end of public criticism not regarding its content but its projection of characters and its presentation. While some appreciate it, others feel that great injustice has been done as the portrayal of the great characters is not periodically right.

Portrayal of Lord Hanuman in Hindu scriptures

It has been said that Hanuman Ji looks like some Cruel medieval Mughal, and Ravan is also portrayed as Alauddin Khilji. Hanuman ji is portrayed as a Muslim who has a big beard and Moustache being clean shaved. He is also shown wearing leather outfits, so let’s see what the scriptures say about Hanuman Ji‘s appearance.

Hanuman Ji’s detailed appearance is found in Narad Puran’s 3rd section. As per Narad Puran 3.74.192-197, Hanuman Ji has been described as – Om Vajrakaya Vajratuṇḍa (One who has Vajra body), Kapila (Reddish Brown), Pingala (Tawny coloured),Urdhvakeśa (One having the hairs standing up), Mahabala (One who has great strength), Raktamukha (Having a Red face), Tadijjihva (Lightning tongued), Mahāraudra damṣṭrotkata (Fangs), Karala (Terrible), Mahādṛdhaprahāreņa (By means of terrible blow), Lankesvaravadha (The destructor of Lanka), Mahåsetubandha (the builder of Ram Setu), Mahāśailapravaha (Bearer of the great mountain), Gaganecara (One who walks and flies through the sky), Mahabalapară krama (One who has great strength), Dirghapucchena veṣṭaya vairinam (Encircle the enemy with your long-tail).

As per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar kand 36.23, Brahma Ji said to Vayu Dev, “Your son Hanuman will be terrible towards enemies and will be invincible to friends. No one can defeat him in wars!”

And, as per Hanuman Chalisa, it is said he used to wear Janeu.

So, it’s clear that nowhere is it mentioned about Hanuman Ji with a clean Moustache shaved along with a long beard Beard, Although the well-known Salasar Balaji Temple shows Hanuman with a Beard and Moustache, none of the well-known big temples shows it only with a big Beard along with clean shaved Moustache, Also nowhere mentioned that he wore leather outfits.

Portrayal of Ravana in Hindu scriptures

Coming to Ravan’s character in the film, He resembles Allauddin Khilji, especially with his long Beard, so let’s see if Ravan also had a long Beard. Well! Ravan’s physical appearance is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayan, so let’s dig into that.

As per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar Kand chapter 9.33, Ravan was initially named Dashagriva as he was born with 10 heads; later on, as per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar Kand chapter 10.10-12, Ravan sacrificed his 9 heads in Yagya fire while performing Tapasya, He did Tapasya for 10,000 years, and in every 1000 years he sacrificed his every head, and in last year Brahma ji appeared before him asked him to take a boon.

Later on, he was named Ravan by Bhagwan Shiva (Valmiki Ramayan Uttar Kand chapter 16.37) as he cried before all Devtas, Nagas etc., due to the noise he made when his hands got stuck in Kailash mountain while trying to lift it. He drank Madira (Valmiki Ramayan Sundar Kanda 10.9)

Also, as per Valmiki Ramayan Sundar Kanda’s Chapter ten, his arms were equal in size, well built with wide shoulders. Ravan’s fingers and wrists were beautiful, like the long trunk of an elephant which could be seen lying on a white bed attached to his wrists. The arms were red due to the application of red sandalwood with ornaments on them. His eyes were red; he draped himself in loose silk cloth below his waist and was wearing a yellow-coloured shawl while sleeping.

Ravana’s face would shine due to the radiance emitting through his earrings, and his shining crown made it more splendid. He was breathing like a snake; he looked like an elephant resting in the river Ganga. Hence it is clear Ravan does not look like Allauddin Khilji, and it is nowhere mentioned that Ravan had a long beard.

Although we cannot justify Ravan’s cruel behaviour. As per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar kand 13.8-9, Ravan terrorized and killed Sages, Devtas, Yakshas and others. He would uproot trees and break the mountains.

As per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar kanda 13.22-40, When elder brother Kuber tried to intervene in order to bring his brother to Dharma Marga and sent a messenger, Ravan killed that messenger and decided to attack Kuber. He had to fight with Yakshas in order to reach Kuber.

As per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar Kanda 15.37, Ravan defeated Kuber and stole his Pushpak Viman. After defeating Kuber, Ravan went to Sharvan forest, the birthplace of Kartikey. But his Pushpak got stuck and did not move (Uttar Kand 16.1-5). That time, Nandi happened to come there and asked Ravan to leave as this was the playground of Bhagwan Shiva. When Ravan made fun of Nandi (Shiva’s favourite Bhakta) for his monkey-like looks, Nandi cursed him that a monkey would be the reason for his defeat.

As per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar kand 32.27-64, Ravan was also defeated by the King of Mahishmatipur, whose name was Arjun. Arjun had blocked the flow of River Narmada. Ravan was praying on the banks. Due to playfully blocking the river waves, When the speed of water increased on this side, the flowers which Ravan had used floated away. A war followed, but due to the boon, no one could kill Ravan. But Arjun cleverly captured Ravan; It was Pulastya who saved Ravan.

As per Valmiki Ramayan Uttar kand 17.31, Ravan tried to have his bad ways on Tapasvini Vedvati when she was meditating in the Himalayas. But Vedvati cut her hair in anger. Her hands turned into a Sword. But before that, she cursed him and said that in the next birth, she would appear in the house of a Dharmatma and become the reason for his death. Saying this, she jumped into the fire.

Similarly, Ravan attacked Bali when he heard about his might. But Bali cunningly hanged Ravan near his armpits and flew to perform Sandhya Worship on all four Oceans(Valmiki Ramayan, Uttar Kanda 34.33).

But that does not justify portraying him as Allauddin Khilji; although Ravan was not following Vedas, he was well versed in it.

As per Shiv Puran, he was a devotee of Bhagwan Shiva, Baijnath Jyotirlinga is associated with Ravan, and as per Valmiki Ramayan, Uttar Kand 16.43, Chandrahaas sword was gifted by Bhagwan Shiv. Ravan was the gatekeeper (Jaya) of Vishnu Lok in his previous birth, but due to a curse, he had to take birth to Mrityu Lok. I am not trying to justify Ravan, and nobody can justify his Adharma. But, Allauddin Khilji never worshipped any Idol, but Ravan did; hence portraying him as Allauddin Khilji will not just hurt Hindu sentiments but also Muslim sentiments.

In Yuddha Kana 6.128.13 it is clearly mentioned that there were barbers in Dwapar yug, Eg: –
ततः शत्रुघ्नवचनान्निपुणाः श्मश्रुवर्धकाः |
सुखहस्ताः सुशीघ्राश्च राघवं पर्युपासत ||
Here Shatrughan calls skilled barbers (for Shaving) before Bhagwan Ram’s Abhishek.

Although many Kings during the Vedic age had beards, it was not like Allauddin Khilji. Hence, one should portray our Hindu characters (hero or villain) as per our scriptures, and not as per another religious book.

The writer is an author and a columnist. He Tweets from @Anshulspiritual. The views are personal. 

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