Elon Musk Trolls the Internet, Wades Into 'Culture War'

In one open-ended tweet, the billionaire solicits opinions on a controversial and politically explosive topic.

Nov 26, 2022 - 02:30
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Elon Musk Trolls the Internet, Wades Into 'Culture War'

In one open-ended tweet, the billionaire solicits opinions on a controversial and politically explosive topic.

The term "culture war" has historical roots globally. In the U.S. it is localized, but in essence means the same thing as it always has.

In general, it refers to a conflict among values in a society, largely between traditional beliefs and change.

In Germany in the 1870s, for example, a conflict between the Catholic Church and anti-Catholic groups was referred to as Kulturkampf, or "cultural struggle."

In the United States in contemporary form, the invocation of culture war is a politically divisive term describing the struggle between conservative values and those described as progressive or liberal.

Famously, in 1992, as presidential candidate Pat Buchanan argued at the Republican National Convention in Houston, "There is a religious war going on in our country for the soul of America. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we will one day be as was the Cold War itself."

Later that year, Democrat Bill Clinton was elected president.

One thing is for certain. In politics, the practical effect of using culture war tactics strategically is as a way to divide voters along social lines as opposed to policy goals such as domestic economic principles or international objectives.

In 2022, culture war topics involve a wide range of hot-button issues. These include abortion, racism, guns and LGBTQ equality.

Elon Musk Decides to Enter the Discussion

Billionaire Elon Musk, Tesla  (TSLA) - Get Free Report CEO and owner of Twitter, decided on Nov. 25 to engage on the issue with an open-ended question.

In a tweet, he asked, "What do you think of the culture war?"

Twitter users were quick to respond with a wide array of opinions.

"It’s less cultural and more theological," writes @conservmillen. "We have fundamental disagreements about the nature of humanity, morality, and truth. It’s hard to unite with people who think, for example, biological sex is arbitrary or that the birth canal magically confers personhood/rights."

"I think the Right needs to start funding more artists, filmmakers and writers instead of politicians and super-PACs," says @getpaidwrite. "You don't win a naval war without any ships, and you can't win a culture war without any culture. We've been reacting too long. Time to go on the offensive."

Musk responds directly to this comment.

"I am neither conventionally right nor left, but I agree with your point," he remarks. "The woke mind virus has thoroughly penetrated entertainment and is pushing civilization toward suicide. There needs to be a counter-narrative."

"Interesting question," notes @iamraisini. "When will westerners realize that their culture and values aren't universal? There are other cultures with different values that should equally be respected. And remember that the West is not the spokesperson for humanity."

"The 'culture war' is fundamentally a spiritual war within the human soul," suggests @D_B_Harrison. "It is a battle that originated in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-12) when our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to rebel against God. Ultimately, it is a conflict over who is sovereign: God or man."

Musk's unanticipated question opened the door for Twitter users to react. Why he decided to wade into this territory is a question for all of us to ponder.

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