Forget red and green, watch out for beige flags in a relationship. What are they?

Forget red and green, watch out for beige flags in a relationship. What are they?

Jun 15, 2023 - 17:30
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Forget red and green, watch out for beige flags in a relationship. What are they?

Dating in today’s time is difficult. There are a whole lot of terms out there – ranging from situationship, textationship, delicate dumping and what not. Amid this clutter of words and lingo, some people had come up with red flags and green ones to find those who are worth our time. A red flag, for instance, is showing up for a first date drunk or lying. A green flag, on the other hand, would be being honest and compassionate.

But what happens when dating becomes so complex that you don’t have just red or green flags but also beige flags.

What do these mean? Why are people talking about them now? Why have they become such a rage in the dating world?

Don’t worry if you are confused. We become your dating guide and explain just what they are and why they are important while looking for that ‘special one’.

Beige Flags, explained

What happens if you find someone who likes to dip their biscuits in water rather than their tea? What about if your partner does laundry in a very specific, yet odd way? Or what about turning on caps lock to type the first letter of every sentence?

These traits aren’t necessarily bad to have in your partner and, according to TikTok users these are what you call beige flags. Beige flags are traits that aren’t one that makes you run in the opposite direction, but gives one a reason to pause. And as one can tell, they are subjective, making the exact definition of a beige flag hard to pin down.

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As one relationship expert says – beige flags are the softer, less alarming cousin of red flags. They aren’t necessarily deal breakers, and they’re also not necessarily cause for immediate concern, but they do still warrant attention and consideration.

There’s also a second meaning to the term beige flags and this pertains to dating profiles. Urban Dictionary defines it as: “Beige flags are a sign that someone is boring or lacks originality. Beige flags are often generic or very cliche things that many people put in their profiles.”

As TikTok user Caitlin MacPhail, the self-proclaimed CEO of beige flags, told VICE, “Beige flags are signs on dating app profiles that the person behind the profile is probably boring.” In her original video in which she talks about them, she explained that some of the immediate beige flags in a dating profile include having an opinion on pineapple on pizza, referencing any mainstream sitcom or show, using puppies to “mask your personality,” and, perhaps most beige of all, mentioning a love of Excel spreadsheets.

Another beige flag, according to MacPhail is mentioning ‘sarcasm’ as one’s love language. Responding on this statement on dating profiles, she says, “You cannot be fluent in it. Anyone who considers themselves to be the sarcastic type is probably not very mature or honestly, that funny.”

The term beige flag dates back to May 2022, when user @itscaito (MacPhail) posted a video using the phrase. Since then, the term has gained popularity all over TikTok. Image used for representational purposes/Reuters

Another example of a beige flag, according to a relationship expert, is women refusing to have sex with the lights turned on. This discomfort stems from being uncomfortable in one’s skin, but it doesn’t have serious effects on a relationship and hence, is a beige flag.

MacPhail and other relationship experts also state that beige flags are completely different from things that give you “the ick”. For those who don’t know, giving “the ick” are turn-offs that border on repulsive and are cringeworthy. They say that in most cases, beige flags are momentary while “getting the ick” changes how you look at someone forever. For instance, chewing with the mouth open is “an ick” for many.

Viral on TikTok

The term beige flag dates back to May 2022, when user @itscaito (MacPhail) posted a video using the phrase.

Since then, the term has gained popularity all over TikTok and the hashtag #beigeflag had amassed over 269.6 million views at last count. However, the term has evolved over time with people posting all the little quirks that they could do without – they aren’t something to break up over, but just to think about.

The trend is light-hearted. People seem to be enjoying the chance to share an odd trait with millions of strangers. Image used for representational purposes/Reuters

Insider reported in May about TikToker Bronte Crawley making one of the trend’s most popular video – amassing over 9.5 million views in just five days. In her video, she described her boyfriend’s beige flag to be purposefully wearing underpants with holes in them so he could surprise her by tearing them off suddenly and leaving only his waistband standing.

But, it seems that this evolution of the term beige flag has upset MacPhail. In the last week of May, she made a TikTok lightly mocking the new ‘beige flag’ videos and reminding people why she invented the phrase.

“These are not beige flags. These are annoying slash disgusting things that your partner does,” she was quoted as saying. “As you and I both know, a beige flag is something on a single person’s dating profile that shows without meeting them that they might be really f*****g boring.”

But don’t take this too seriously, as the trend is more or less light-hearted. People seem to be enjoying the chance to share an odd trait with millions of strangers.

For instance, one TikToker, whose video was viewed two million times, said that his girlfriend’s beige flag was announcing everything. “Her stomach just growled? I have to know. Dinner is ready? She’s telling me. She has to pee? It’s the most important thing in the world. She’s cold? She’s calling me to let me know.”

Importance of beige flags and ‘de-beiging’

Beige flags don’t mean one should run in the opposite direction. But as Hinge’s director of Relationship Science, Logan Ury told PopSugar, “It’s reasonable to think twice about dating someone who puts little effort into their profile.”

Others note that no matter how hard you try, it’s nearly impossible to avoid having a beige flag on a dating profile as the term itself is so subjective. Moreover, one person’s beige flag isn’t necessarily another person’s too.

The rise of the beige flag could also be a symptom of dating fatigue, an expression used to describe the weariness felt by people using dating apps.

In an interview with Metro UK, relationship expert, Jessica Anderson, explains: “People are fed up with going on dates with just anyone. We’re all busy and we don’t want to waste an evening sitting opposite someone we aren’t compatible with in any way. This has meant that people’s standards for dating app profiles have gone up.”

As The Cut wrote, “Everyone has beige-coloured habits. In fact, someone who doesn’t have any beige flags? That’s a red flag.”

With inputs from agencies

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