Hindus Under Attack in Pakistan: 15-year-old Hindu girl abducted, gang-raped by Muslim duo, dumped on road

Hindus Under Attack in Pakistan: 15-year-old Hindu girl abducted, gang-raped by Muslim duo, dumped on road

Oct 5, 2022 - 13:30
 0  15
Hindus Under Attack in Pakistan: 15-year-old Hindu girl abducted, gang-raped by Muslim duo, dumped on road

New Delhi: In yet another incident of atrocities against minorities in Pakistan, a 15-year-old Hindu girl was kidnapped by two Muslim men and taken to a forest where they gang-raped her. After the heinous crime, the duo dumped the minor on the roadside the following day.

The latest incident of crime against Hindu women in Pakistan took place at Chhapar Din Shah in Pakistan’s Chachro Tehsil, a report by Pakistan-based GTV channel said.

In a video shared by Mahesh Vasu on Twitter – @maheshmvasu, the accused Bimla (named changed), said that two Muslim men –  Mushtaq Bajir and Nabi Baksh Bajir – came to her house and abducted her. They then put her in a car and took her to a forest where they raped her.

She further said that the two accused threw her on the road the following day. She then returned home and shared the ordeal with her mother and people of her community.

According to a report by a local channel, Daanh News, the police, on the basis of minor girl's complaint, filed a case against the two accused. The girl has been given a medical certificate and transferred to a hospital.

The relatives of the minor girl have demanded the immediate arrest of the accused.

Hindu women tortured, raped in Pakistan

The gang-rape incident of the 15-year-old girl comes days after a Hindu labourer in Pakistan’s Bahwalpur, who had gone to ask for her salary, got brutalised by her Muslim landlord.

The woman, wife of bonded labourer Gangaram, was hoisted upside down, beaten, gang-raped by six or seven men.

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The woman, Savitri Bai (name changed), went to Muslim landlord Mohammad Akram to ask for wages. Later, Akram went to her house with weapons and threatened her. He then kidnapped her and she was gang-raped.

Sharing her ordeal, she said that the accused had covered her face and kept beating her.

Atrocities against Hindus in Pakistan

In Pakistan, incidents of abduction, murder, rape and forced conversion of minorities are often being reported. Controversial Islamic blasphemy laws are being misused against Hindus and other minorities in the country.

With inputs from agencies

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