Mental Health Tips: 5 Signs Your Child Needs Support And Essential Steps to Take

Recognising these signs and taking essential steps can support your child's mental health and can help them navigate through these tough times.

May 27, 2024 - 14:30
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Mental Health Tips: 5 Signs Your Child Needs Support And Essential Steps to Take

One of the primary responsibilities of a parent is ensuring the well-being of their children, including their mental health. However, recognising signs of mental distress in children can be challenging as they may not always express their feelings openly. Dr. Sanju Sidaraddi, Consultant – Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Motherhood Hospitals Kharghar, Navi Mumbai spoke to and discussed 5 subtle signs that indicate your child may be in need of support for their mental health. Also, here are few steps that you can take to provide the necessary guidance during the crucial time.


  1. Sudden change in mood: Parents need to pay close attention to detect any behavioral changes. Watch out for sudden changes in behavior like easily getting irritated, lack of energy, not wanting to go out or meet their friends, losing interest in the activities they once loved doing, constantly being sad which can lead to crying, mood swings, being cranky, and getting aggressive. These frequently changing moods can take a toll on a child’s mental health and can cause emotional distress. It is important to immediately address these symptoms to avoid any further complications.
  2. Changes in sleeping pattern: Children might feel difficulty in sleeping and experience various issues like frequent nightmares, difficulty in sleeping, no quality sleep, or might sleep more than their usual timings. These symptoms can be alarming signs indicating that something is going on with your child’s mental health. It is vital not to ignore these symptoms and take immediate steps before the situation worsens.
  3. Experiencing physical distress: Children might suddenly start feeling certain physical distress such as episodes of vomiting, severe headache, sharp cramp-like stomach pain, and body pain. These symptoms can worsen over time, hence it is important to address them promptly.
  4. Changes in eating habits: Significant changes in eating habits can be an indication of various health concerns, especially mental health problems. Parents might notice certain changes in their child’s eating patterns like eating too little or too much, being fussy and choosy about certain food, and binge eating. These changes in eating habits can decline their physical health, inviting various other health concerns
  5. Difficulty in concentration: Notice if your child often finds it difficult to focus or concentrate on certain tasks or activities that were previously handled well. Frequently unable to concentrate can be a sign of various mental health issues like anxiety and depression.


  • It is important to encourage open communication with your child to express what they are feeling and how this sudden mood change can cause distress. Parents are advised to be gentle and patient with their children as this entire situation can be mentally and physically exhausting.
  • It is crucial for parents to provide proper guidance and be good listeners toward their children by validating their emotions. Remember it is impossible to cure mental health problems overnight and it might take a few days or even weeks to get effective results.
  • Try having a conversation with your child to know what exactly is bothering them. Lack of sleep can be bothersome and make hindrance in their daily routine. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help them maintain healthy sleep habits.
  • You can try creating a peaceful and calm environment to make them feel relaxed promoting better sleep. Even after certain efforts, sleep disturbance stays consistent, and parents are advised to consult experts or doctor to seek medical guidance to address mental health-related concerns.

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