Stinky penguin poop strikes fear into the hearts of Antarctic krill

A chemical in Adélie penguin guano may have cued krill to take evasive maneuvers in lab tests.

Mar 20, 2025 - 11:30
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Stinky penguin poop strikes fear into the hearts of Antarctic krill

Crustaceans uncovered to guano moved in zigzags and ate less algae

A discontinuance up describe of Antarctic krill

In lab experiments, Antarctic krill that smelled anxiety — within the salvage of penguin poop — had been hasty to construct a atomize for it.

Gerald Corsi/iStock/Getty Photos Plus

The unpleasant stench of penguin poop sets Antarctic krill on edge.

In lab experiments, the mere scent of penguin droppings — or guano — sent krill scrambling for salvage away, researchers listing March 20 in Frontiers in Marine Science. The stink moreover seemed as if it can probably possibly suppress krill’s appetites.

Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) salvage a cornerstone of the Southern Ocean ecosystem. “They’re the principle meals source for all the massive, charismatic fauna,” says Nicole Hellessey, an Antarctic marine scientist at the College of Tasmania in Hobart. Whales, penguins and seals all order — or order issues that order — krill. Working out the critters’ movements may again determine key areas for marine conservation.

Krill order their antennae to smell out meals, mates and even air pollution. But scientists weren’t distinct if they are going to detect predators by scent. To find out, Hellessey and her colleagues netted krill off the Antarctic Peninsula and transported them to within reach Palmer Station.

Within the lab, the team let krill loose in a flume crammed with flowing seawater, along with both algae for the krill to order, somewhat Adélie penguin poop or each and every. Cameras tracked the krill’s three-D motion.

Working with the krill turn into fun, says oceanographer David Fields of the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in East Boothbay, Maine. “They genuinely are these magnificent, charismatic animals.”

Working with penguin poop turn into one other listing. “Penguin crap is basically the most vile thing that you may agree with,” Fields says. Appropriate opening guano storage baggage “would certain your complete lab space.”

Krill showed a an identical reaction to the scent. In algae-easiest water, they fast swam toward the meals then lingered advance the buffet. But in water with algae and guano, the krill zigzagged, Hellessey says. “They’d kind of creep in, order and creep out.” Krill swam in frantic zigzags in water containing easiest penguin poop, too.

A 2d situation of experiments placed krill in seawater buckets with both algae or algae plus guano. Over 22 hours, krill within the algae-easiest buckets ate about 67 percent of the meals. Krill in buckets with penguin poop ate easiest about 25 percent.

The scientists aren’t distinct what aromas in penguin feces the krill are reacting to. But since Adélie penguins’ diets are over 99 percent krill, “quite a pair of that guano would be pleased overwhelmed-up krill kind of scents,” Hellessey suspects. Some chemical cue may construct the krill drag, “‘Oh my god, my buddy’s spoil, I shouldn’t drag over there.’”

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