Taiwan loses first ally post-election as Nauru goes over to China

Taiwan loses first ally post-election as Nauru goes over to China

Jan 15, 2024 - 14:30
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Taiwan loses first ally post-election as Nauru goes over to China

The government of the tiny Pacific Island country of Nauru announced on Monday that it will cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan and recognise China. This is Taipei’s first diplomatic ally to turn to Beijing after a presidential election.

The government of Nauru said that it was pursuing the full restoration of diplomatic relations with China, citing it as being “in the best interests” of the nation and its citizens.

“This means that the Republic of Nauru will no longer recognise the Republic of China (Taiwan) as a separate country but rather as an inalienable part of China’s territory, and will sever ‘diplomatic relations’ with Taiwan as of this day and no longer develop any official relations or official exchanges with Taiwan,” it said in a statement.

The foreign ministry of Taiwan announced that a press conference will soon take place.

Taiwan vehemently contests China’s contention that it is its own territory and has no right to have diplomatic relations with other states.

Prior to Saturday’s election, Taiwan security sources told Reuters that China was probably going to keep chipping away at the small number of nations that have formal diplomatic ties with Taipei.

The predicted winner of Saturday’s presidential election was Lai Ching-te, a member of Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), who would take office on May 20. China referred to Lai as a dangerous separatist prior to the election.

With the departure of Nauru, Taiwan now has just 12 diplomatic allies, including the Marshal Islands, Guatemala, Paraguay, Eswatini, and Palau.

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