9 Positive Effects of Practising Yoga at Workplace 

Yoga provides a powerful solution for those seeking a balance between career and home life. Here are benefits of practising yoga at the workplace.

Jun 21, 2024 - 15:30
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9 Positive Effects of Practising Yoga at Workplace 

The word yoga encompasses the integration of body, mind, and breath—a holistic practice with ancient roots. It provides a powerful solution for those seeking a balance between career and home life. By incorporating yoga into their routines, employees can experience numerous benefits that contribute to a healthier work-life balance.

Benefits of practising yoga at the workplace:

  1. Stress Reduction: The exercise postures, the breath control and the mental exercises that constitute the fundamental principles of Yoga can be very effective in helping people to deal with stress and therefore lead happier, healthier lives and adequately deal with their careers and some other challenges in life.
  2. Increased Focus and Concentration: The meditation process of Yoga actually helps in the neurological development of the person and his ability to concentrate, thereby improving efficiency at the workplace, decision making and executions of tasks.
  3. Improved Physical Health: Yoga, as a physical exercise, contributes positively to the exercise regime of employees when practised and implemented to counterbalance the sedentary nature of their working conditions, goes a long way in whipping away discomforts causal to either underworking or overworking of muscles and bones .
  4. Enhanced Mental Well-being: Evidently, the practice of yoga taken in combination with mastering the mind and concentrating on the inner self can greatly improve mental health, reduce stress, anxiety, and even depressive disorders.
  5. Work-Life Integration: Yoga motivates people to assess all the aspects that make up one’s life and make arrangements on how the aspects can best be regulated to ensure an optimum fulfilment of life.
  6. Incorporating Yoga in the Workplace: Recognizing yoga’s benefits for employee well-being and work-life balance, many organisations are embracing yoga programs and initiatives:
  7. Workplace Yoga Classes: Providing options for yoga lessons that are delivered during working hours or through video conference allows employees to include Yoga into their daily schedule, improving their well-being.
  8. Mindfulness and Meditation Workshops: Organising workshops dedicated to practicing mindfulness and meditation skills benefits the employees and their well-being as providers of different sources of stress and focus enhancement.
  9. Wellness Initiatives: Including yoga in a broader concept of the organisational wellness program implies the fostering of a health-conscious culture and effective management of work-life balance, resulting in a positive organisational climate.

(Inputs by LC Mittal, Director, Motia Group)

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