This video can explain why leopards are present all over India; watch

This video can explain why leopards are present all over India; watch

Sep 19, 2022 - 21:30
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This video can explain why leopards are present all over India; watch

Leopards are known for their agility and adaptability. Maybe this is the reason why they are present all across India. A video recently shared on Twitter by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan shows a leopard perfectly climbing up and down a coconut tree without facing any issues. At the beginning of the video, the big cat can be seen very cautiously climbing down a coconut tree while looking below carefully as if it senses some danger in its surroundings. As it almost comes down the tree, another leopard jumps out of the bushes and quickly starts climbing the tree to catch it.

Interestingly, the leopard, who was getting chased, saw the attack coming way before it was even visible in the frame. It just quickly starts clambering back up the tree before the other leopard even starts climbing. For some reason, the second leopard leaves the first one and climbs back down.

The video was tweeted with the caption, “Look at the agility of these cats. Somewhere from MH via WhatsApp. That is why leopards are omnipresent in India.”.

Watch this clip here:

In a follow up tweet, Parveen Kaswan stated that leopards are very strong and agile, and that they are the most adaptive of the cats in his opinion. He added that their food range is very wide as well.

In another tweet, Kaswan shared a picture of a leopard that he had clicked. The IFS officer wrote that tea gardens are a favourite spot of these apex predators. Leopards get many benefits in tea gardens such as easy food, shade and the ability to raise their cubs.

While replying to the video, many users pointed out the agility of these animals.

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