Weight Loss Diet: 5 Basic Foods in Kitchen That Can Support Your Fitness Goals

Pull out these 5 everyday foods from your kitchen that can help you lose weight effectively. Read below!

May 13, 2024 - 14:30
 0  16
Weight Loss Diet: 5 Basic Foods in Kitchen That Can Support Your Fitness Goals

Weight loss is not an easy process. One has to be consistent and dedicated in following healthy diet and exercise routine. To lose weight, we have seen many people wasting time and money in visiting dietitians for that magical diet plan that promises to shed away those extra kilos. These are all temporary diets as the moment you come back to your regular eating habits, your metabolism is reduced, and you can see gaining those stubborn belly fat. What if we tell you that you don’t need to spend money outside, all you have to do is look around in your pantry and have everyday common foods that can help you lose those extra pounds.

Here are 5 common kitchen foods that can support your fitness goals and enhance your weight loss efforts.


  1. Leafy Greens: Leafy greens such as spinach, kale and lettuce are low in calories but high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. They help keep you full longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Also, they are rich in antioxidants, which support overall health and well-being.
  2. Red Chilli: Red chilli peppers or lal mirch generate heat that produces a sense of satiety, which helps fight weight gain. This spice is also known to burn fat in the body and is considered effective for fat loss.
  3. Non-Starchy Vegetables: In addition to leafy greens, include a variety of non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, carrots and cucumbers in your meals. These veggies are low in calories but high in fibre and essential nutrients, making them ideal for weight loss.
  4. Cottage Cheese: Called panner in Hindi, cottage cheese is high in proteins and low in calories, which is great for weight loss; and comprises essential nutrients like calcium, potassium and magnesium.
  5. Healthy Fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil are excellent sources of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which support heart health and help you feel full. Just be mindful of portion size, as fats are calorie dense.

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