Odisha Train Tragedy: Woman caught for falsely claiming dead body to bag victim compensation

Odisha Train Tragedy: Woman caught for falsely claiming dead body to bag victim compensation

Jun 6, 2023 - 11:30
 0  50
Odisha Train Tragedy: Woman caught for falsely claiming dead body to bag victim compensation

Amid the ongoing efforts to identify the numerous deceased individuals from the tragic triple train accident in Balasore, a woman recently made an attempt to falsely claim a dead body in order to potentially obtain compensation.

This incident took place on Sunday and has raised concerns for the Odisha government. Reports indicate that the woman fraudulently tried to identify one of the bodies as her husband’s.

As soon as the officials became aware of the situation, they promptly alerted each other and involved the police to apprehend individuals engaging in such deceitful actions.

Pradeep Kumar Jena, the state’s chief secretary, called upon the railways and Odisha police on Monday to address these fake claimants who may employ deceptive methods to seek compensation.

During the incident on Sunday, a 40-year-old woman named Gitanjali Dutta from Cuttack arrived at a temporary morgue in Balasore while the police were in the process of verifying documents for various claimants.

A sub-inspector named Bikas Kumar Palei from the Odisha police observed her unusually calm demeanor. As she viewed photographs of the unidentified bodies, she deliberately selected one and falsely claimed it as her husband’s. Palei immediately became suspicious of her intentions.

To verify her claim, Jena and his colleagues contacted the Baramba police, as it falls within their jurisdiction.

Within an hour, the police confirmed that her husband was alive. When confronted about her deceit, the woman hastily fled the scene, indicating that her true motive was to fraudulently obtain compensation.

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