Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies

Dozens of stars fleeing a neighbor of the Milky Way suggest these escapees could have an outsized influence on their cosmic surroundings.

Oct 9, 2024 - 22:30
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Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies

Dozens of stars speeding from a satellite galaxy suggest escapees are common

Swirling, diffuse tendrils of orange, yellow and white gas on a backdrop of stars

The Tarantula nebula, shown right through this image from the James Webb Space Telescope, is home to the big superstar cluster R136, from which 55 high-velocity stars were caught speeding away.

Webb ERO Production Team, STScI/NASA, ESA, CSA

Dozens of fugitive stars were caught fleeing a dense superstar cluster in a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. The swarm of speeding stars may mean that such runaways had an even bigger influence on cosmic evolution than previously thought, astronomers report October 9 in Nature.

Massive stars are born in young clusters, packed so close together that they will jostle one yet another out of place. Every so often, encounters between pairs of massive stars or neighboring supernova explosions can send a superstar zipping out of the cluster altogether, to in search of its fortune in the broader galaxy and beyond.

Astronomer Mitchel Stoop and his colleagues looked for runaway stars around a major cluster of massive stars often often is named Radcliffe 136 using data from the Gaia spacecraft on the speeds and positions of billions of stars (SN: 6/Thirteen/22). R136 is found about 170,000 light-years from Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy that orbits the Milky Way.

The cluster “is an iconic object,” says astrophysicist Sally Oey of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, who used to be not fascinated about the brand new work. The view from Earth’s neighborhood is so clear, “we are ready to undoubtedly take a check out things up close and deepest.”

Previous studies had found a couple of stars fleeing the cluster (SN: 5/7/10). But in a rather a lot wider search, Stoop found an astonishing 55 stars had fled at speeds faster than roughly 100,000 kilometers per hour right at some point of the past three million years.

“That's an unbelievable number to take into account,” Stoop says. The observation implies that as many as a third of the brightest, most massive stars born in the cluster have left home.

That means runaway stars may possibly be an underappreciated force in the universe. These massive stars, about 5 to 100 and forty times the mass of the sun, emit ultraviolet radiation and supersonic stellar winds sculpt the gas and dirt around them (SN: 7/11/22). On the end of their lives, the heavyweight stars explode as supernovas, spreading heavy elements around the galaxy (SN: 7/7/21).

“Before, we’d predict possibly there are a handful of runaways,” Stoop says. But attributable to their presumed low numbers, he says, they'd be unnoticed of studies and simulations. If every cluster as a replacement loses a couple of third of its stars to the encircling galaxy, or even the gap between galaxies, “they will possibly have a significant contribution to dumping all these ultraviolet photons into the intergalactic medium.”

Such escapees also can have had a profound influence on the evolution of the early universe. Within a couple of hundred million years of the Big Bang, greater than Thirteen billion years ago, some source of ultraviolet radiation stripped electrons from a pervasive fog of hydrogen atoms, a phenomenon often often is named reionization (SN: 11/7/19).

Astronomers think many of the photons, or particles of sunshine, that cleared the cosmic fog came from dwarf galaxies (SN: 2/6/17). But simulations have found that only a fraction of the photons needed can escape the environments of those galaxies. Runaway stars may lend a hand account for the adaptation, Stoop says.

“Maybe this took place in [early universe] galaxies besides, all at some point of the epoch of reionization,” he says.

Oey says, “There’s little doubt that runaway stars are undoubtedly important and have been underappreciated.” But, she says, there are other easy methods to get ionizing radiation out of galaxies, and it’s not clear how an awful lot of a difference including runaway stars would make.

The timing of the stars’ escape from R136 also can throw a wrench in the broader relevance of runaway stars to reionization.

Surprisingly, the stars didn’t all migrate in a single wave. The scientists know this because they've the stars’ speeds and distances and can calculate after they started their escape. Many of the runaways fled R136 in all directions about 1.eight million years ago, when the cluster used to be forming. That’s what you’d predict in the event that they were booted out by encounters with other massive stars.

But Sixteen of the escapees left the cluster more recently, just 200,000 or so years ago. And that they were all fleeing in the same direction. Stoop and his colleagues think those stars’ escape would possibly have been triggered by a merger with every other cluster.

“That appears like a fairly unique occurrence,” says astrophysicist Kaitlin Kratter of the University of Arizona in Tucson. If R136’s double ejection is unusual, then it would possibly well be tough to extrapolate what collection of stars other clusters lose to their cosmic surroundings. Finding evidence of similar waves in other clusters would lend a hand unravel the question.

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