
Huijia Lin proved that a master tool of cryptography is...

Cryptographer Huijia Lin showed that the long-sought “indistinguishability obfus...

Emily Jacobs wants to know how sex hormones sculpt the ...

Emily Jacobs studies how the brain changes throughout women’s reproductive years...

Christopher Barnes is on a quest for a universal corona...

Christopher Barnes wants to stop the viruses that cause COVID-19, the common col...

Carlos Argüelles hunts for particles beyond the standar...

Carlos Argüelles overcame hardship and discrimination to pursue a passion for ph...

Marcos Simões-Costa asks how cells in the embryo get th...

Marcos Simões-Costa combines classic studies of developing embryos with the late...

How to get a crying baby to sleep, according to science

Science has come up with a recipe for lulling a crying baby to sleep: Carry them...

This robotic pill clears mucus from the gut to deliver ...

A whirling robotic pill wicks mucus from the gut, allowing intravenous drugs suc...

The pandemic may be stunting young adults’ personality ...

People typically become less neurotic and more agreeable with age. The COVID-19 ...

Ancient fish fossils highlight the strangeness of our v...

New fossils are revealing the earliest jawed vertebrates — a group that encompas...

False teeth could double as hearing aids

Dental implants can conduct sound through jawbone, making them candidates for di...

‘Fen, Bog & Swamp’ reminds readers why peatlands matter

In her latest book, author Annie Proulx chronicles people’s long history with pe...

A Caribbean island gets everyone involved in protecting...

Scientists on Saba are introducing island residents to conservation of Caribbean...

NASA’s DART spacecraft just smashed into an asteroid — ...

If the first-ever attempt to knock a space rock off course works, it could provi...

In Maya society, cacao use was for everyone, not just r...

Previously considered a preserve of Maya elites, cacao was consumed across all s...

Mangrove forests expand and contract with a lunar cycle

The carbon-sequestering trees grow in a roughly 18-year cycle according to tides...

Here’s how olivine may trigger deep earthquakes

Olivine’s transformation into another mineral can destabilize rocks and set off ...

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