Controlled fusion, solar sails or ion engines could someday help spaceships trav...
Majorana qubits could be error resistant. But after a contentious talk at the Gl...
In a small study, mice given fecal transplants from elite cyclists and soccer pl...
Many scientists say “subcritical” experiments and computer simulations make nucl...
A genetically modified mini pig’s liver was able to function in the body of a br...
A dog's physical cues often take a backseat to environmental ones, skewing human...
The galaxy, called JADES-GS-z13-1, marks the earliest sign yet spotted of the er...
As 23andMe prepares to be sold, Science News spoke with two experts about what’s...
Solve the math puzzle from our April 2025 issue. In honor of April Fools’ Day, ...
The ocean can be a symphony of fish grunts, hums and growls. Now add tooth-clack...
Mouse cells tweaked to produce the tardigrade protein incurred less DNA damage t...
The iconic Cape Verde date palm came from commercial trees gone feral and could ...
John Green’s new book, Everything Is Tuberculosis, reveals how social injustice ...
Treated plants fight pests without the need for toxic pesticides, oozing a "larv...
Carbon credits sold on the voluntary market are under scrutiny for not offsettin...
In the United States, deaths that could have been avoided rose, on average, from...