Yemen: Houthi militia threaten revenge against US, UK amid global uproar

Yemen: Houthi militia threaten revenge against US, UK amid global uproar

Jan 12, 2024 - 18:30
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Yemen: Houthi militia threaten revenge against US, UK amid global uproar

The strikes by the United States and Britain against Houthi military targets in Yemen has led to a dramatic regional widening of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and has drawn sharp reactions from several nations.

The Iran-backed militia threatened both countries with dire consequences just hours after the US and British armies in Yemen started airstrikes in Houthi-controlled portions of the country in an attempt to thwart attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

Member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi called the strikes on Yemen “barbaric,” and Hussein al-Ezzi, the Houthi deputy foreign minister, issued a dire warning, describing the action as a “blatant act of aggression” and threatening serious repercussions for both the US and Britain. International criticism has also been sparked by the strikes; Russia claimed that the action “showed a complete disregard for international law.”

Meanwhile, in response to the recent strikes in Yemen by the United States and the United Kingdom, Russia has asked for an urgent UN Security Council meeting. The US, UK, and other nations launched strikes against sites utilized by the Houthi rebels in Yemen, which prompted the conference, which is set for January 12.

The strikes were described as appropriate and essential acts of self-defense by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
He underlined how crucial it is to protect trade freedom and the right of navigation. Sunak voiced worry about the Houthis’ ongoing strikes in the Red Sea, citing recent episodes involving US and UK vessels.

The UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate cessation of ship attacks in the Red Sea in response to the increasing attacks. But Mozambique, Algeria, China, and Russia chose not to participate in the vote.
These attacks were started by the Houthi rebels as payback for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They promised to keep up their attacks and block Israeli-affiliated ships’ passage until the Palestine crisis was resolved.

The US government initiated Operation Prosperity Guardian to safeguard ship safety and preserve navigation in the Red Sea. The goal of this operation is to thwart the Houthi onslaught, which since mid-November has targeted more than 20 ships including commercial carriers.

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