Anupamaa Written Update, May 23, 2024: Paritosh Tarnishes Anupamaa’s Reputation Infront Critics; Shruti Suggests Bizzare Plan To Anuj Kapadia

In the latest update of the popular daily soap, Shruti wants Anupamaa out from Anuj Kapadia's mansion. On the other hand, Paritosh successfully demeans Anupamaa infront of the food critics. Read on.

May 23, 2024 - 14:30
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Anupamaa Written Update, May 23, 2024: Paritosh Tarnishes Anupamaa’s Reputation Infront Critics; Shruti Suggests Bizzare Plan To Anuj Kapadia

Anupamaa Latest Update: In the recent development of the popular daily soap, Anupamaa, Aadhya gets infuriated when she finds out that Anuj and Anupamaa decorated the house, Choti goes on to destroy the hard work of Anu. On the other hand, Spice and Chutney, Anupamaa welcomes food critics who came to rate the restaurant. Scroll down to find more details.

Anupamaa Impresses American Food Critics

At the start of the episode, Anupamaa is excited to welcome the American food critics to rate Spice and Chutney with the prestigious ‘American star’, that Anu had always dreamt of. Since the restaurant’s re-opening, Anupamaa wants to impress the judges with her authentic Indian cuisine. As soon as she reaches, the restaurant she instructs the waiters to be fully prepared to serve the food critics. As she gives an encouraging speech to waiters and the head chef, Paritosh on the other hand has different plans.

Paritosh Plans On Destroying Anupamaa In Front of Food Critics

Late in the episode, Anupamaa builds a good image of Spice and Chutney restaurant in front of the food critics. She amuses them by serving authentic Indian dishes and drinks. Meanwhile, Paritosh plans to tamper with the restaurant’s image in front of the food critics. He starts misbehaving and argues with the customer. He further calls the customer hypocritical for ordering a different dish after asking for another dish. Toshu successfully brings down the restaurant’s image in front of the food critics. However, Anupamaa handles the situation very carefully. She goes on to apologise to the customer on behalf of Toshu’s mistake. She made sure that the customer who ordered the specific food was served with the right one.

Aadhya’s Birthday Turns Out To Be The Worst

Aadhya is greeted with a small surprise, when she heads down she notices a room decorated with balloons and gifts. For a brief moment, Aadhya was stunned to see that her father had nailed the decoration. However, her happiness is ruined when Shruti’s helper points out that it was with the help of Anupamaa and Anuj Kapadia they decorated the room.

As soon as Aadhya understands that Anupama is part of the decoration, she throws away the surprises and starts destroying the hard work of Anupamaa. Aadhya questions her father multiple times about why Anu was involved in decorating the house.

Shruti Suggests Bizzare Idea To Anupamaa

Later in the episode, Shruti comes up with a bizarre idea, where she suggests that Anupamaa must leave Kapadia’s mansion. According to Shruti, Anu is causing more harm to Aadhya, rather than curing her illness. Aadhya is frustrated to see Anupamaa in the mansion. On the other hand, it is only Anuj Kapadia, who enjoys the stay of Anu. He is stunned to know that Shruti is asking for a huge demand.

Vanraj and Baa Refuses Anupamaa To Visit India

In the upcoming episode, Anupamaa plans for a short trip to India, to attend the wedding of Titu and Dimpy. However, before she departs Anu gets a call from Baa, she seems tensed to say that she is no longer welcome to attend the wedding. It was Vanraj who boldly told Anupamaa that she was not invited to the wedding ceremony, as they were ashamed to have her because of the mistake that happened at Spice and Chutney restaurant. What will Anupamaa do now?

Watch this space to get the latest update on the popular daily soap, Anupamaa!

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