Joe Biden Expresses Concern, Says Two-State Solution For Palestine Should Come Through Direct Talks

Sullivan called Israel's decision to withhold funds from Palestinian authority 'wrong', noting that withholding funds destabilises the West Bank and undermines the search for security and prosperity for the people of Palestine.

May 23, 2024 - 09:30
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Joe Biden Expresses Concern, Says Two-State Solution For Palestine Should Come Through Direct Talks

Washington: Hours after Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced plans to recognise the Palestinian state, US President Joe Biden believes the two-state solution should be brought about through direct negotiations and not a ‘unilateral recognition’, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Wednesday.

On talking about whether the US is concerned with other nations recognising a Palestinian state, Sullivan, at a press briefing, said, “Each country is entitled to make its own determinations, but the US position on this is clear President Biden as I just said has been on the record supporting a two-state solution.”

“He has been equally emphatic on the record that that two-state solution should be brought about through direct negotiations through the parties, not through unilateral recognition that’s a principled position that we have held on a consistent basis. We will communicate that to our partners around the world and we’ll see what unfolds,” he added.

Sullivan called Israel’s decision to withhold funds from Palestinian authority ‘wrong’, noting that withholding funds destabilises the West Bank and undermines the search for security and prosperity for the people of Palestine.

On the US’ reaction to Israel’s response to recognising Palestinian statehood by withholding funds from Palestinian authority, he said, “I think it’s wrong on a strategic basis because withholding funds destabilizes the West Bank. It undermines the search for security and prosperity for the Palestinian people which is in Israel’s interest and it’s wrong to withhold funds that provide basic goods and services to innocent people. So, from our perspective those funds should continue to go um with all of the necessary safeguards but they should continue to flow.”

As Spain, Norway, and Ireland announced plans to formally recognise a Palestinian state, Israel reacted to the decision of the three nations in anger and immediately recalled their ambassadors from each country, CNN reported.

Irish foreign minister Micheal Martin said the recognition of the Palestinian state will come into force in all three nations on May 28, with the prime ministers of the nations calling the move as an ‘important step’ towards “peace” in the region.

The Israeli embassy in Ireland, too, condemned the decision of Spain, Norway and Israel to recognise Palestinian statehood.

“We are disappointed by the Irish government’s decision on recognition, which follows worrying initiatives and statements in recent months,” Israel’s Embassy in Dublin said in a statement on Wednesday, according to a CNN report.

(With Inputs from ANI)


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