SA20: CSA reportedly asks for more credit for tournament’s success

SA20: CSA reportedly asks for more credit for tournament’s success

Feb 5, 2023 - 20:30
 0  23
SA20: CSA reportedly asks for more credit for tournament’s success

Cricket South Africa (CSA) reportedly wants more credit for the success of the SA20 league that kicked off in January 2023.

According to a SA Cricket Magazine report, CSA sent an email to Graeme Smith, the SA20 league commissioner, requesting recognition for SA20’s success.

This was specifically after the CSA noticed a false anecdote doing rounds of the media that the tournament had been successful as CSA was not controlling it.

South Africa’s Rapport Newspaper quoted a CSA source saying that the governing body had noticed a “false narrative”.

After CSA made the request, Chairman Lawson Naidoo appeared in an interview on SA20 Twitter and the tournament has also been expressing gratitude to the CSA after each contest.

“The SA20 league was initiated by CSA, which has the majority stake in African Cricket Development [ACD], which owns the league,” Naidoo was quoted.

To specify the ownership, CSA own 57.5% of the league, broadcasters SuperSport own 30% and Indian businessman Sundar Rahman owns 12.5%.

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