
Brain cavities that swell in space may need at least 3 ...

MRI scans of astronauts show that duration in space and time between flights aff...

RNA editing helps octopuses cope with the cold

California two-spot octopuses tweak the proteins they make, potentially to help ...

The Parker Solar Probe may have spotted the origin of h...

Kinks in the magnetic fields near the surface of the sun appear to be the cause ...

A simulation of a dying star shows how it could create ...

Massive jets and an expanding cocoon of debris from a collapsing star could be a...

When and why did masturbation evolve in primates? A new...

In a first-of-its-kind comparative study, researchers show that primates were ma...

A gene therapy shot might keep cats from getting pregna...

Even after mating with fertile males, females given the cat contraceptive, which...

Marjorie Weber explores plant-protecting ants and other...

Cooperation across the tree of life is an understudied driver of evolution and b...

Homo naledi may have dug cave graves and carved marks i...

Proposed discoveries of humanlike activities by these ancient, small-brained hom...

Air pollution monitoring may accidentally help scientis...

Filters in air monitoring facilities inadvertently capture environmental DNA, wh...

A ‘vampire einstein’ tile outdoes mathematicians’ lates...

A newfound shape covers an infinite plane with a pattern that doesn’t repeat and...

Weird black holes may hold secrets of the early universe

Big black holes in little galaxies, rogue black holes and other behemoths could ...

Measurements of a key radioactive decay nudge a nuclear...

In a step toward building a nuclear clock, scientists measured light emitted whe...

Coral reefs host millions of bacteria, revealing Earth’...

A new estimate of microbial life living in Pacific reefs is similar to global co...

These ants build tall nest hills to help show the way home

Desert ants living in the harsh, flat salt pans of Tunisia create towering anthi...

How a new Lyme vaccine for mice may protect people

A vaccine, distributed as pellets, can neutralize Lyme-causing bacteria in wildl...

Quantum computers braided ‘anyons,’ long-sought quasipa...

Particle-like quantum states called non-abelian anyons remember being swapped an...

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