Scientists find a long-sought electric field in Earth’s atmosphere

The Earth’s ambipolar electric field is weak but strong enough to control the shape and evolution of the upper atmosphere.

Sep 13, 2024 - 22:30
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Scientists find a long-sought electric field in Earth’s atmosphere

For the primary time, scientists have measured a chronic-sought global electric field within the Earth’s atmosphere. This field, often also is named the ambipolar electric field, turned into predicted to exist decades ago but never detected, until now.

“That’s the big whoop,” says atmospheric scientist Glyn Collinson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “It’s a whole frickin’ new planetary energy field that’s never been measured before!”

The field is weak, best 0.Fifty five volts — about as strong as a watch battery, Collinson says. But that’s strong enough to manipulate the shape and evolution of the upper atmosphere, features so as to have implications for the suitability of our planet for life.

“It’s fundamental to the DNA of our planet,” says Collinson, who reported the new measurement in Nature August 28.

The existence of the ambipolar electric field turned into first predicted within the 1960s, at the morning time of the gap age. Early spacecraft flying over Earth’s poles detected a supersonic outflow of charged particles from the atmosphere, often also is named the polar wind.

Many of the most reasonable thing to produce a proof for that speedy wind can be an electrical field within the atmosphere. The basis is that sunlight can kick electrons out of atoms within the upper atmosphere. Those negatively charged electrons are light and energetic enough that they'd like to float out into space. The positively charged oxygen ions left at the back of are heavier and would like to sink down in Earth’s gravity.

Nonetheless it the atmosphere wants to remain electrically neutral, keeping an equal balance between electrons and ions. The electric field forms to keep the electrons tied to the ions and forestall them from escaping.

Once established, the field can act as a booster for lighter ions like hydrogen, giving them enough energy to break free of Earth’s gravity and zoom away as the polar wind. This may also pull heavier ions higher up within the atmosphere than they'd otherwise reach, where other forces can strip them into space as well.

That turned into the hypothesis. But until recently, the technology to detect the field didn’t exist.

“It turned into essentially thought most unlikely to do,” Collinson says. “[The field] so weak, it turned into just assumed you’ll never measure it.”

Collinson realized this measurement hadn’t been taken after he and his colleagues tried to measure an analogous field on Venus. A seek a paper reporting the strength of Earth’s field for comparison came up empty.

“Turned out, shaggy dog story, it’s never been done,” he says. “We were like, ‘Game on!’”

Collinson and colleagues developed a new instrument often also is named a photoelectron spectrometer especially to detect the electrical field. The team mounted the spectrometer on a rocket named Patience, after the ship that carried Ernest Shackleton to explore the Antarctic in 1914.

Attending to the launchpad in Svalbard, Norway turned right into a journey worthy of the rocket’s name. The team traveled by boat for 17 hours to get to the archipelago of Svalbard, located best some hundred kilometers from the North Pole. Several members of the team fell sick with COVID-19 on the style. And the war between Russia and Ukraine had begun best some months earlier.

“At the time, there turned right into a undeniable amount of nervousness about firing off rockets,” Collinson says. “Polar bears were the least of it. We had war and plague.”

Two more days of blizzards kept Patience grounded. When the rocket finally launched on May eleven, 2022, it went straight up during the atmosphere to about 770 kilometers, measuring the energies of electrons every 10 seconds. The total flight lasted 19 minutes. At the top, the rocket splashed into the Greenland Sea.

Patience measured a change in electric potential of 0.Fifty five volts between the altitudes of 248 kilometers and 768 kilometers — exactly enough to produce a proof for the polar wind on its own, without every other atmospheric effects.

The measurement is solid and exciting, says planetary scientist David Brain of the University of Colorado Boulder, who turned into no longer occupied with the new work. Nonetheless it indubitably’s best one data point from one rocket. “I believe this result's an incredibly great result that argues there ought to be more measurements like this,” he says.

Collinson has the identical opinion. He and his colleagues recently received NASA approval for a follow-up rocket — this time named Resolute, for an Arctic exploring ship that set sail in 1850.

Since the ambipolar electric field helps regulate how quickly a planet’s atmosphere escapes into space, it probably plays some role in making a planet hospitable to life, Collinson says. Scientists think that Mars was more like Earth, but lost various its atmosphere to space over time (SN: eleven/27/15). Venus might have once been a lot wetter than this may be as of late, too (SN: eight/1/17).

Both of those planets even have ambipolar electric fields, but they'll have been better off without them.

“If this process didn’t exist at Venus and Mars, then I believe it’s conceivable Venus and Mars would have lost less oxygen,” and therefore less water, Brain says.

Earth’s ambipolar electric field helps kick its oxygen out into space, too. But Earth has one key advantage over Mars and Venus: a world magnetic field to guide charged particles around the planet. “The electric field is the engine that gets the particles moving,” Brain says. “The magnetic field is kind of the road that the particles move along.” Earth’s magnetic field means oxygen can break out best near the poles, as an alternative of from any a element of the atmosphere. That will possibly help provide a proof for why Earth has kept its habitable atmosphere for a lot longer than Venus or Mars.

“Fundamentally, what makes a planet habitable is going to be many things,” Collinson says. “But I believe comparing these different energy fields across different planets is a technique to reply to the question, why is the Earth habitable? Why are we here?”

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