5 Cool Gadgets from ’60s That Changed The World

Numerous amazing devices have been created with innovative ideas to make life easier and more comfortable.

May 24, 2024 - 19:30
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5 Cool Gadgets from ’60s That Changed The World

Many inventions from around the world have changed our way of living. Numerous amazing devices have been created with innovative ideas to make life easier and more comfortable.

In today’s world, people are living in the era of technology where nothing is hidden from the human eye, but have you ever wondered what were the creative ideas of people living in the “no tech” era?

Let’s learn about some famous inventions from the ’60s

1. Pedestrian Catcher

Keeping in mind the road casualties after car’s invention, pedestrian safety became a big concern. Hence, innovators came up with the idea of “pedestrian catcher”.

It was fixed on the bumper of the car and opened up with a lever which would catch the victim in the front, hence avoiding any casualties.

 2. Radio Hat

In the 1930s, the invention of wireless music caused an explosion of excitement among the people. During that period radio hats were seen on the streets of Paris.

When there were no options earphones around, this radio hat offered the chance of taking music with you and enjoy on the move.

3. Underground Garage

Keeping in mind the issue of space, an underground garage was built which offered people two features with one option.

The garage looked like a plain ground until the switch was pressed which lifted the whole sphere up and once the car was loaded on it, it would go down in its original position.

4. Thief Catching Net

Taking immediate action with the net, one could save themselves from getting robbed. The net would open on a click and grab the object, thus stopping it from moving any further.

5. Anti-Theft Security case

The thieves couldn’t run with your suitcase in the ’60s as this anti-theft suitcase would open up on snatching, making it impossible for a thief to run.

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