At G7 Outreach summit, PM Modi Call For Ending Monopoly In Technology, Adopting Human-Centric Approach For AI

PM Modi said that for technology to be successful, it had to be underpinned by a human-centric approach. In this context, he shared India’s success in leveraging digital technology for public service delivery.

Jun 15, 2024 - 09:30
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At G7 Outreach summit, PM Modi Call For Ending Monopoly In Technology, Adopting Human-Centric Approach For AI

In a significant address at the G7 summit in Italy, PM Modi

“We have to collectively ensure that the benefits of technology reach all sections of society, to realise the potential of every person in the society, to help in removing social inequalities, and expand human powers instead of limiting them,” he said. “This should not only be our desire, but our responsibility. We have to convert monopoly in technology into mass usage,” he noted.

“We have to make technology creative, not destructive. Only then will we be able to lay the foundation of an inclusive society,” the prime minister said.

The PM said that for technology to be successful, it had to be underpinned by a human-centric approach. In this context, he shared India’s success in leveraging digital technology for public service delivery. PM Modi said India is among the first few countries to formulate a national strategy for AI. Based on this strategy, the country launched the AI Mission this year.

“On the basis of this strategy, this year we have launched an AI Mission. It is derived from the mantra ‘AI for All’. As a founding member and lead chair of the Global Partnership for AI, we are promoting cooperation among all countries,” he said.

He said the 21st century is the century of technology and there is hardly any aspect of human life that is deprived of the influence of technology.

“While on one hand technology gives the courage to take the man to the moon, on the other hand, it also creates challenges like cyber security,” he said.

The prime minister said during the G-20 Summit hosted by India last year, it emphasised the importance of international governance in the field of AI.

“In the time to come, we will continue to work together with all countries to make AI transparent, fair, secure, accessible and responsible,” he said.

Alluding to India’s Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), he called upon the global community to join the tree plantation campaign launched by him on World Environment Day — “Plant4Mother” (Ek Pedh Maa Ke Naam) and make it a mass movement with personal touch and global responsibility.




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