Half died of hunger, half of water…, When Iran’s new capital Makran became a death trap for…., horses had to be…
Makran holds strategic significance today, but it also boasts a fascinating history. Notably, it was the route taken by Alexander the Great on his return journey after his Indian campaign.

Iran is planning to relocate its capital from Tehran to the southern city of Makran, a switch that will worth a ancient milestone if utilized. Makran, a part of the Balochistan plateau shared by Pakistan and Iran, is a semi-arid coastal strip bordered by the Arabian Sea. The space holds strategic significance on the contemporary time, nonetheless it also boasts an spell binding history. Critically, it became the route taken by Alexander the Great on his return fling after his Indian campaign. Many historians agree with that this condominium became a graveyard for Alexander’s military, as a serious a part of his troopers perished there.
Alexander became trapped in Makran
Traversing through Gedrosia proved lethal for Alexander the Great’s troops. The merciless atmosphere of the gap took a extreme toll on his military. Greek historian Arrian of Nicomedia, in his work The Anabasis of Alexander, wrote: “Alexander marched in the course of the land of the Gedrosians, the build critical sources for survival were severely lacking. Even water became scarce. Whereas the troopers managed to catch ways to outlive, the military’s animals started dying immediate.”
Arrian additional approved that the troopers, of their fight against starvation, were forced to raze and indulge in their horses and mules. Many troopers, weakened by starvation and exhaustion, lost their device and were swallowed by the desolate tract sands. Moreover, after enduring erroneous heat and thirst, when the troops at last found a sizable water source, many drank excessively and died in consequence.
Of their 2022 paper, Ancient Perspective and Medical Maladies of Alexander the Great, researchers Shreekay Mishra, Adam Menegstab, and Shweta Khosa highlight: “Crossing the Indus River took Alexander several weeks, adopted by an additional week to traverse the Gedrosian Barren space. It became a harrowing ride, as thousands of his troopers perished within the desolate tract. Of the 120,000 infantry and 15,000 cavalry that Alexander brought to India, entirely a pair of quarter survived to return.”
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