Jeera Water in Summer: Weight Loss to Regular Periods, 5 Benefits of Having This Ayurvedic Drink in Hot Weather

As per Ayurveda, cumin is packed with several health benefits. Jeera water serves as an excellent summer drink that can easily be prepared at home.

Jun 10, 2024 - 13:30
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Jeera Water in Summer: Weight Loss to Regular Periods, 5 Benefits of Having This Ayurvedic Drink in Hot Weather

Indian Kitchen is a storehouse of healing ingredients. From vegetables to spices, possibly everything in the Indian kitchen offers a host of health benefits. There are many spices that you may find in your kitchen that have excellent health advantages. Cumin, often known as jeera is one of them.

As per Ayurveda, cumin is packed with several health benefits and gives regular meals a nutty, earthy flavour. In summer, consuming cumin seeds soaked water every day in the morning can be the best way to reap the benefits of this wonderful spice. It can also be called Jal Jeera or Jeera Gram, serving as an excellent summer drink that can easily be prepared at home. In this article, we explore the various health advantages of starting your day with a glass of soaked cumin seeds water.

Health Benefits of Jeera Water in Summer

  1. Weight Loss: Weight loss is one of the most profound benefits of jeera water. Soaked cumin seeds water, the first thing in the morning can serve the purpose of weight loss by boosting metabolism and being a low-calorie drink.
  2. Regulating Periods: For women dealing with PCOS, it is important to have jeera water as it contains enzymes that help in curing menstrual problems.
  3. Digestive Health: Jeera water is the perfect drink to kickstart your mornings. If you are suffering from digestive problems, this drink can be ideal to help eliminate issues like bloating, stomach distress, acidity and more
  4. Hydration: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining metabolism and aiding digestion. Drinking jeera water early in the morning can help in hydrating as well as detoxifying the body.
  5. Alleviates Indigestion and Bloating: The essential oils in jeera have anti-inflammatory properties, relaxing digestive tract muscles and reducing gas and bloating after meals. Jeera also acts as a natural laxative and contains fibre, aiding in regular bowel movements and preventing constipation.

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