Overseas Migration Of Students Doubles In Kerala: Study

The 2023 edition of the Kerala Migration Survey brings to light some interesting trends. It draws attention to a significant uptick in student migration. Similarly, it suggests that international migration has nearly hit its peak. Additionally, the data observes that there are more emigrants returning home now, with a noticeable increase in women leaving the state.

Jun 15, 2024 - 11:30
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Overseas Migration Of Students Doubles In Kerala: Study

The Kerala government recently discovered some interesting data on their locals moving overseas. Although the overall migration has dipped a bit, the student population has shown a contrasting trend. The total count of Kerala’s migrants has seen a slight bump to 2.2 million, with an increase of 32,388 compared to numbers from 2018. Interestingly, the student migration number surged dramatically, more than doubling from 1,29,763 in 2018 to about 2,50,000 in 2023. As highlighted in the Kerala Migration Study of 2023, students represent a significant 11.3% chunk of the total migrating crowd from Kerala.

The 2023 edition of the Kerala Migration Survey draws attention to a surge in student migration. Similarly, it also suggests that international migration has nearly hit its peak. Additionally, the data observes that there are more emigrants returning home now, with a noticeable increase in women leaving the state. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, remittances sent back to Kerala have also seen a considerable surge.

The trend of women emigrating from their home countries saw a significant increase, rising from 15.8% in 2018 to a striking 19.1% in 2023. Interestingly, more females are electing to lay roots in European and other Western nations, with a decrease in migration to GCC countries. They now constitute a notable 40.5% of the total female migrant population.

The survey indicates the need to focus on developing new policies and schemes that will encourage international students from the southern state to return home after their studies and to stop the brain drain. The declining trend in overseas migration for job purpose also showcase the saturation of international migrations.

Meanwhile, a major increase in total remittances has also been witnessed. The remittances reached Rs 216,893 crores last year from Rs 85,092 crores in 2018. This is an increase of 154.9 percent.

For over two decades, since 1998, we’ve been conducting the Knowledge Management System (KMS). It’s a treasure trove of data that fuels our government’s planning efforts. The most recent KMS in 2023 was ingeniously teamed up by the Gulati Institute of Finance Taxation (GIFT), with a helping hand from the International Institute of Migration and Development (IIMAD). The man leading the pack was none other than S Irudaya Rajan.

Long before, Kerala Migration Survey (KMS) had indicated a rising pattern of Kerala’s population making a move overseas. The migrant counts escalated from a modest 1.4 million in 1998, stepped up to 1.8 million in 2003, and then to 2.2 million in 2008. It finally reached its zenith at 2.4 million in 2013. However, by 2018 there was a noticeable dip in the labor migration trends in Kerala with migrant numbers shrinking to an estimated 2.1 million.

This extensive study was accomplished by surveying a sample size encompassing 20,000 households from all 14 districts within Kerala. Interestingly, the research process exposed houses standing deserted, complete families having migrated overseas, portraying a clear depiction of the study’s findings.

KMS 2023: Other Crucial Points

• North Kerala districts such as Malappuram has high number of migrants
• Migration as per religion – Muslims 41.9 percent, Hindus 35.2 and Christians 22.3 percent

• Shift from Saudi Arabia to UAE as most preferred destination
• A surge in women migrants has been witnessed, in 2018 it was 15.8 percent, in 2023 it was 19.1 percent.
• Female migration shift from GCC countries to Europe.
• Surprisingly, over 70% of women who have relocated have completed higher education, obtaining a degree. In contrast, you’ll find that only approximately 35% of men who have moved can boast the same educational attainment.
• Increase in returnees has also been witnessed, in 2018 it was 1.2 million and in 2023 it was 1.8 million.
• Surge in remittances after Covid-19.

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