Father’s Day 2024: Know Date, History And Significance to Celebrate This Memorable Occasion With Your Dad

Father's Day in India is being celebrated on June 16, 2024. This day is dedicated to the most important men of our lives who embody dedication, resilience and unwavering commitment to their families.

Jun 14, 2024 - 14:30
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Father’s Day 2024: Know Date, History And Significance to Celebrate This Memorable Occasion With Your Dad

Fathers and father figures play a very special place in our lives. They are considered the real ‘superhero’ of every child and never ask for anything in return for their love and dedication towards their kids. Besides being a parent, they also play several roles in our lives including that of a mentor, friend and guide. Around the world, fathers embody dedication, resilience and unwavering commitment to their families. So, to honour their influence and role in families and societies, every year Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. While most of us don’t express our love and gratitude to our parents daily, such days are quite important to remind them how special they are and appreciate every gesture that they make for us.

Father’s Day 2024 Date

While there is no specific date for Father’s Day globally as several countries mark the day on different occasions. In India, Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 16th. It’s time for children, young and old to express their love for their fathers and acknowledge the vital role they play in shaping families and society.

Father’s Day 2024 History

Its origin can be traced back to the early 20th century in the US and the credit for recognising the day goes to Sonora Smart Dodd, who hailed from Spokane in Washington. After getting inspired by Mother’s Day, the lady came up with the idea of honouring her father- William Jackson Smart, a Civil War Veteran- who single-handedly raised 6 of his children after his mother’s demise.

In 1972, US President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation, which officially recognised Father’s Day as a national holiday in the country. Dodd’s efforts soon showed results and, in several countries, the third Sunday of June every year is marked as Father’s Day.

Father’s Day 2024 Significance

Father’s Day holds great significance as it provides the opportunity to honour and celebrate the roles of fathers in our lives, just like Mother’s Day. On this day, children express gratitude and appreciation to their fathers for all the love, guidance and sacrifices they do for their families.

Father’s Day serves as a reminder to spend quality time with your fathers whether through gifts, acts of service or simply spending time together to foster the importance of the father-child relationship.

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