'Idea of India attacked by BJP ideology, nation's wealth handed over to few businessmen': Rahul Gandhi

'Idea of India attacked by BJP ideology, nation's wealth handed over to few businessmen': Rahul Gandhi

Jul 18, 2023 - 23:30
 0  19
'Idea of India attacked by BJP ideology, nation's wealth handed over to few businessmen': Rahul Gandhi

Accusing the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party of favouring a selected group of businessmen at the expense of the country’s wealth, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi strongly criticized the ideology of the BJP saying that the idea of India is being attacked by an ideology of the party.

Gandhi emphasized that the battle is not merely between political factions but a crucial struggle to safeguard the core principles that define India’s identity. He reaffirmed that the fight is for preserving the idea of India itself, which stands in contrast to the approach of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government.

Echoing Gandhi’s sentiments, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge emphasized that the united Opposition’s intention is not merely to gain power but to protect the fundamental pillars of the nation – the Constitution, democracy, social justice, and secularism.

During the meeting, Kharge also raised concerns over the misuse of various institutions by the ruling party to suppress opposition voices. He pointed out that agencies such as the CBI, ED, and Income Tax are frequently misused, and false criminal cases are being filed against opposition leaders.

Leaders representing 26 Opposition parties convened in Bengaluru to discuss matters related to the upcoming 2024 general elections. The meeting aimed to solidify a united front against the BJP-led government at the Centre.

Kharge criticized the BJP’s attempt to showcase strength by gathering various parties under the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). He questioned the need for such a gathering when PM Modi himself is claimed to be strong enough to counter the entire Opposition single-handedly.

Responding to the Opposition’s meeting in Bengaluru, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while virtually inaugurating the new integrated terminal building of the Veer Savarkar Airport, launched a scathing attack on the opposition parties. He accused them of promoting corruption, especially in the case of the DMK in Tamil Nadu and the Left and Congress in West Bengal.

As the nation observes the evolving political dynamics, the opposition’s unity and determination to defend the idea of India stand as significant factors that could shape the future of the country’s governance.

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